44: It's Time

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Katniss' POV

I'm so scared. I'm so close to having my baby. My mother came last week because she's the only one I trust to help me give birth to my baby. As far as she can tell, Peeta and my child could be born any day now.

Peeta extremely exited that within the next few days he could be holding our baby in his arms. I, on the other hand, have never been more frightened in my life. Not when I thought Peeta was dying of blood poisoning during our first games, not when Cato was holding him in a head lock, not when he was under the affects of the hijacking and had tried to strangle me when we first got home. Not even all the times I have had a weapon pointed at me, threatening to take my life at any moment. Peeta keeps telling me I'll be okay, but that doesn't help me.

I keep getting false contractions and they really, really hurt. My mother says they are mild compared to what I will feel when I'm actually giving birth, which only increases my fear. She keeps reassuring me that I'll be fine, reminding me that she was only a little bit older than I am when she gave birth to me. But that doesn't really help.

Right now, I'm laying in my bed, not really feeling like moving since I've been a top heavy blimp for the last few months. I hear a soft knock on the door and Peeta peaks his head in.

"Hey Katniss, how you feeling?" he asks.

"Like I hate you for doing this to me," I say.

"Why?" he asks looking a little hurt

"Because while your running around all exited, waiting on me hand and foot, I'm sitting here terrified of when our baby is going to decide to come out and meet the world, because I know that I'm never gonna be ready for someone to be depending on me," I say. He sits beside me and gently braids my hair seeing as it is uncomfortable for me to reach behind my head and do it myself.

"I know you probably don't want to hear this again, but I'm gonna tell you again. I'll be right here with you the whole time and you'll be an amazing mother. She's going to adore you," he says finishing up my braid and kissing my temple.

"Why do you insist that our baby is a girl?" I ask him.

"I don't know. I just kind of have this feeling that she's a girl. We'll know for sure within the next couple days. Do you feel up to walking around? Your mother said it might help you," he says.

"Help me how?" I ask.

"Might...help you go into labor," he says.

"And why would I do that?" I ask him.

"Because the sooner you get this all over with, the better you'll feel and the less I'll worry about you. Plus you won't have to be afraid anymore because it'll all be over before you know it," he says. I think it over before turning it look at him.

"Help me up," I say.

Half an hour later, Peeta has been helping me walk up and down the hall, but it doesn't seem to be doing any thing. I sigh and start leading Peeta towards the stairs.

"Why do you wanna go down there sweetie?" he asks.

"I'm pregnant, frustrated, and hungry," I say. He doesn't fight me, knowing he'll never win against me. He carefully helps me down the stairs and over to the kitchen table. Luca trots over to me and nuzzles my leg. He's been especially protective of me ever since I've started staying in my bed most of the time. His thick black fur feels silky under my fingers and he tenderly licks my hand and blinks his big blue eyes up at me when Peeta sets a bowl of soup in front of me with a fresh roll. I break off part of it and feed it to Luca.

"I thought you said you were hungry, not the dog," Peeta says.

"Maybe we both are," I say scratching Luca behind his ear as his tongue lolls out the side of his mouth. I eat my soup in silence and munch on my roll while Peeta watches me. I carefully get up and start walking, well more like waddling, over to the sink to put away my dirty plates. Peeta quickly takes them from me so I don't have to walk all the way across the kitchen.

"We just walked the hallway for 30 minutes," I say, " I think I could walk my plates across the kitchen."

"I don't care. I want to do it for you," Peeta says. I chuckle at him as I lean against the counter watching as he washes the dishes.

And that's when I feel it. It's much stronger than all my other false contractions, which can only mean one thing. It's confirmed when I feel something run down my leg. My heart starts beating faster and I cling to the counter as I ride out my first real contraction. Luca nudges me and whimpers.

"Peeta?" I try to say as calmly as I can, but you can already hear the panic in my voice. He turns around and looks at me and when he sees the look on my face, he walks over and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Katniss? What's wrong?" he says. I let out a ragged breath at look at him a fear that feels as old as time itself written in my eyes.

"I think my water just broke."
Oh Im evil. I can't believe I did that but I did. I would also like to tell you guys that this particular book will be ending in one chapter. Just the book, not the story, don't worry. The next book will start literally right after the last chapter of this book. Like right after. Meer hours after the events in the last chapter of this book. It's just that 45 chapters is alot so I'm gonna break it up before I end up with like 70 chapters in one book. Nobody wants to read that. Im not quitting anytime soon. Don't worry.

Anyho I'm gonna leave y'all to your lives now.

Oh and please follow my friend @MaryannFrederico and read her books. Shes pretty awesome so give her some love.

110k reads rules! Love you all.
Rock on!

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