Author's Note

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Hey that is not where Chapter 11 left off. I'm so sorry if it is confusing. I had another like I'm guessing three pages to that chapter. I'm too tired to right now but I will get it to you tomorrow.

But since I can, I'd like to say something unattached to a chapter.

I still support Jennifer Lawerence. Alot of her "fans" said really nasty things about her before they even knew the whole story. And even after it was discovered that she was hacked and those pictures where stolen, she was called a whore for having them. She's 24 people. She is going to make mistakes. But she can also make her own choices. I don't personally know any girls who do, but I know of girls who send nudes to every guy they can find. They are around my age and I'm only 16. She is 24 and she wasn't even trying to get these exposed. If I were her I would want to curl up and die. I would hate myself and wish the world would stop turning. I really hope Jennifer can overcome these obstacles and keep living her life. I pray for justice for her and the other celebs who where exposed in this way. And then just let life go one and try to forget about it.

That's just what I believe. I know she will probably never see this but I hope she knows she still has fans who love her to death.

What do you all think about her situation. Please comment about it because I can't talk about this with my friends at school.

Love y'all. Please forgive her.

- Kayla

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