Chapter 38: Bun in the Oven

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Katniss' POV

I walk down stairs after throwing up last nights dinner and find Peeta making me some dry toast.

"You feeling okay?" he asks.

"As good as I've felt every morning for the last two weeks. Miserable," I say slumping down in a chair.

"Is their anything I can do to make you feel better?" he asks.

"Not unless you can get rid of morning sickness, which you can't. But its fine. It'll go away in an hour or two," I groan.

"How have you been dealing with this on your own?" Peeta asks.

"Usually, I've been out hunting and the fresh air usually helped," I say as he sets the toast in front of me.

"Do you want to go hunting?" he asks.

"Are you going to let me? I didn't think you would considering now you know I'm pregnant," I say munching on a piece of the toast.

"I don't really want you to, but if it'll make you feel better, I don't think it'll do you or the baby any harm to be out in the woods. You've been doing so for half your life," He says. I get up and kiss his cheek and hug him.

"Thank you! I'll come to the bakery at lunch time and help you out there," I say going to the closet to get my boots.

"You don't have to. I don't want you on your feet all day," he says.

"We'll see," I say hugging him, before I give him a gentle kiss and walk out the house. I look to Haymitch's house where I hear the squabble of geese from his back yard. As I walk past, the old drunk calls out to me.

"Hey sweetheart, you wanna come over here and talk to me," he yells.

"Now why would I do that?" I say but walk over anyway.

"You don't have much better to do," He says.

"Yeah, yeah what do you want?" I ask him, stepping into the shade of his porch and crossing my arms.

"Just congratulating you on finally telling that boy he put a bun in your oven," he says taking a swig out of his bottle.

"You knew?" I ask, "And really? Bun in my oven?"

"Of course I knew it didn't take a scholar from 3 to see the fear in your eyes and the way you've been holding your hand on your stomach when your walking to the woods. And I thought seeing as he's a baker, bun in the oven was quite clever," he says.i roll my eyes at him.

"How'd you know I told him?" I ask.

"He wasn't exactly silent when you two came home last night. Interrupted a good nights sleep," Haymitch chuckles.

"He was exited to say the least," I say.

"What about you?" he asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Your not exactly smiling about it," he points out.

"I'm happy, but I'm scared," I say.

"He'll take care of you, you know that," he says, " so what do you have to be scared of?"

"I don't really know. That we're too young for this, that we can barely take care of our selves, how could we possibly take care of a baby," I say.

"You'll be fine, sweetheart," Haymitch says.

"Thanks for your help," I say sarcastically,"Now if you'll excuse me, I told Peeta I'd meet him at the bakery for lunch and you've kept me to long to slip any hunting in before then."

"Say hi to your baby daddy for me," he says taking another swig of his liquor. I shoot him a glare as I stomp off his porch and into the merchants street.

When I get to the bakery, I see Peeta's face light up as I walk through the door.

"Hey sweetie, how was the hunting?" he asks me.

"I didn't make it that far," I say walking in back and pick up a fresh baked bun, still warm from the oven.

"What happened?" He asks.

"I ran into someone," I say walking past back to the front of the bakery "By the way," I say looking over my shoulder, "Haymitch says congrats on the bun in the oven."

"You told him?! I thought you didn't want to tell people for a while?" he says.

"Actually you told him," I say.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"Evidently you weren't to quiet when we were walking home last night and disrupted his beauty sleep," I say.

"Sorry," he says, looking down at his hands, "I know you didn't really want people to find out yet."

"That's okay, he was bound to figure it out eventually," I say, taking another a bite of my roll,"What I'm worried about is sooner or later, the Capital will find out and will never leave us alone."

"Hey, we won't let them anywhere near the baby. We've earned our peace and there will be plenty of people who will back us up. They won't turn our child into a side attraction to their star crossed lovers show," he says kissing my cheek.

"You sure?" I ask.

"Of course," He says, "You look a little tired. Why don't you go lay down in the back and lay down. Just for a little while?"

"No, I'm fine," I say leaning on the counter.

"You look dead on your feet Katniss. Please, If not for me then for me then for the baby. If you get tired, you can get sick and I don't want you to get sick right now," Peeta begs.

"Fine, but only cause you're cute," I say pinching his cheek and walking to the back room.

"I'll wake you up in about an hour," he says.

"You better. And there better be some cheese buns waiting for me too," I say.

"I'll be sure to get right on that," he says laughing as I lay down on the couch in the back room and close my eyes.

Day 5 and still going strong! Hope to last a whole week. I'll try to keep doing you all proud.

93k and that's awsome. Maybe I'll do something special for 100k. What do you want if I do?
Until next time(hopefully tommarrow)...

Love y'all
Rock on!

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