Chapter 9: His Nightmares

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Katniss' POV

I get up carefully so don't wake Peeta. I make my way to the study where my bows are stored. I have five. My silver bow and arrows from my first games, my bow and arrows from the quell, my Mockingjay bow, my child's bow made by my father, and the full sized bow my father made and used that was passed on to me.

The bows from the games and the quell are never used. I keep them because they are reminders of where I've been and what I've overcome. My Mockingjay bow, that I've come to call Rue, well... maybe I can use it in the winter, it's more accurate than the rest of them being alive and all. My father's bow is the one I will take with us today.

I look at the child's bow my father had made for me. It's so delicate and beautifully crafted. My mind goes back to what Peeta said this morning. I would love to give this bow to my child, but I'm so scared to have them. I can take care of a child and I'm afraid of the pain I would have to go through to bring one into the world.

But Peeta would stay by my side the whole time. He is so caring. Haymitch was right. I really could live a thousand lifetimes and never deserve him.

I'm lost I'm my thoughts as I hear him scream my name. I rush back down to the living room to see him tossing and turning, screaming my name.

"Katniss! Please no! Don't take her !" Peeta yells. I sit on his lap and pull him up into my arms. I gently shake him trying to wake him.

"Peeta, its ok just wake up its just a nightmare." I say and his blue eyes open and his fear melts alittle.

"Katniss, I thought I lost you!" he says holding me tighter, burying his head in my hair. Heat radiates where his lips touch my neck. I gently rock him back and forth like you would a child.

"It's ok, I was just a dream." I whisper holding him close. He's helped me through my nightmares.I can help him. But I've never seen him so fragile. This nightmare shook him to the core. "Shhhh, your ok. We protect each other. You'll always protect me and I'll always protect you." I tell him.

He pulls away and smiles at me.

"Always?" Peeta asks

"Always." I reply. "Why don't you pack up some cheese buns and I'll get my bow so I can take you to your surprise." I take my thumb and wipe away his tears.

"Okay." he says kissing my head. He helps me up and we go our separate ways to get ready. I can't wait to take him to the one place I've always felt safe.

The Lake.


Woo hoo 121 Reads you guys rock. imma try an get y'all another chapter today or maybe tonight.

Rock on!


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