Chapter 42: When I Felt Her Move

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Katniss' POV

I walk through the woods with Peeta, him helping me every once in a while. I'm about half way through my pregnancy and my protruding stomach makes it very hard to balance on my own two feet. My feet now make sound as I walk through the woods and I can't even tie my own boots. Luca follows us, chasing after a dead leaf fluttering in the wind. He's started to grow but right now he walks awkwardly on his long legs that he hasn't quite grown into yet.

"I don't know why you insisted to come out here Katniss. You can't do this to much longer. You can barely walk through the brush and you get winded before we reach the fence," he says.

"I know, but I wanted to visit once more before everything froze over. This is probably the last time I can come here before the baby's born. I want to breath the forest air one last time," I say as he helps me sit on a log.

"How are you feeling?" he asks.

"Like I don't know my own body. I hate that I can't do anything I used to." I say.

"You can still do plenty," he tries to reason.

"Peeta, I can't even tie my own shoes!" I say. He sits in front of me and gently rubs my stomach.

"Well I'm sure your sorry you're causing your mommy so much trouble aren't you," he says to my stomach.

"I don't get why you talk to it as though it can here you," I say. He looks up at me and smiles.

"You never know maybe she can," he says. He keeps his hand on my stomach and gently rubs. Everything is silent except for the occasional yip from Luca as he chases the blowing leaves. All of a sudden, I feel something stir in my stomach and feel a tiny jolt.

"Was that?" Peeta asks his face lightning up in shook and delight. I nod and Peeta hugs me. "She kicked!" he shouts in delight, "Our baby kicked!" He holds me tightly and as I fell the baby kick again I shudder and start breathing heavily and feel my heart start to pound quicker. I push Peeta away and stare at him, fear I'm sure blazing in my eyes.

"Katniss what's wrong? Are you okay?" he asks concerned.

"No, I'm not okay. I don't know how I'm going to do this, Peeta. I'm not ready. I have to give birth to our child in less then five months. I'm so scared Peeta. This just didn't seem real until now," I say and I sit down and start rocking back and forth. He gently starts to stroke my back but my breathing doesn't slow and neither does my heart beat. The baby kicks again and Peeta gently starts rubbing my stomach again. I hear him start humming and eventually starts singing softly.

"Little baby told God
"Hey I'm kinda scared
Don't really know if I wanna go down there
From here it looks
Like a little blue ball
That's a great big place
And I'm so small"

"Why can't I just stay here with you
Did I make you mad, don't you want me to?
God said, "Oh child, of course I do
But there's somebody special
Waiting for you

So hush now baby
Don't you cry
'Cause there's someone down there waiting
Whose only goal in life
Is making sure you're always
Gonna be alright
A loving angel,
Tender, tough, and strong
It's almost time to go and meet your mom

You'll never have
A better friend
Or a warmer touch
To tuck you in
She'll kiss your bruises,
Your bumps and scrapes
And anytime you hurt,
Her heart's gonna break

So hush now little baby
Don't you cry
'Cause there's someone down there waiting
Whose only goal in life
Is making sure you're always
Gonna be alright
A loving angel,
Tender, tough, and strong
It's almost time to go and meet your mom

Now when she's talking to you
Make sure you listen close
'Cause she's gonna teach you everything
You'll ever need to know
Like how to mind your manners
To love and laugh and dream
And she'll put you on the path
That'll bring you home to Me

So hush now little baby
Don't you cry
'Cause there's someone down there waiting
Whose only goal in life
Is making sure your always
Gonna be all right
A loving angel,
Tender, tough, and strong
Come on child
It's time to meet your mom"

I feel the baby stop stirring so violently and Peeta takes my trembling hand and lays it over the spot the baby had been kicking, laying his over mine to keep it there. I feel her, as Peeta insists she is a girl, kick my hand gently.

"You know that you being so scared of this and so scared about not being good enough for her, proves to me all the more how great a mother your going to be for our baby," he says kissing my cheek. "I'll be by your side the whole time. And if you want me there, I'll be there to take the blunt of your anger at me for doing this to you when you give birth," He says gently rubbing my stomach, occasionally grazing over my hand that still rests there.

"We both did this to me Peeta," I say, calming down a little more and letting out a small laugh.

"Yeah, but I don't think you'll feel that way when you are giving birth," he says chuckling. I give him a small smile and lace my fingers with his.

"I may have calmed down but that doesn't mean I'm still not terrified," I say.

"I wouldn't expect you to not be," he says getting up and kissing my cheek. "Come on, let's get you home. You both must be hungry." I feel another kick and laugh.

"I think that's a yes," I say taking Peeta's hand as he gently helps me up. He calls Luca and all three of us head home. I feel the cool autumn breeze surround me, scented sweetly of the woodland plants. It seems to say good bye to me as I leave the woods for the last time before my child is born.
Hey! That was pretty cool. Another Chapter! And guess what? I hit 100k reads! As a reward, I want you guys to ask me questions about my self that you'd like to know, and I'll post a special authors note with a selfie and answers to the questions. Please participate because I really want to connect more with you guys.

The song was Mom by the always wonderful Garth Brooks. I felt it fit really well here. I'll see you guys tomorrow with your answers and hopefully a new chapter.

Until next time...
Love y'all
Rock on!

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