Chapter 37: Within a Nightmare

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Katniss' POV

I shoot up in bed covered in a cold sweat. I start crying into my hands and I feel Peeta sit up next to me. He starts rubbing my back. I lay my head on his chest, still sobbing and feel his other arm wrap around me as he continues to rub my back.

"Shhh, it's okay. It was just a dream. It's over now, you're okay, you're both okay. I'm right here," he whispers. My crying starts to turn into hiccups as I cling to Peeta, my arms wrapped tightly around his neck.

"This is the third time tonight Katniss. I know you don't like talking about it, but it might help. You need to tell me," I shake my head. "Please, Katniss, I'm begging you. You need your sleep. You need to try to get over it."

"I don't want to relive it," I say quietly.

"Please," he pleads lifting my chin so have to face him.

"I dreamt I lost the baby," I whisper.

"What?" Peeta asks.

"I keep dreaming that I miscarried the baby. That you left me because of it. That I was alone," I cry.

"You're fine Katniss, and I'm sure the baby's fine too. And I'll always be with you. I'd never leave you," He says holding me tighter.

"It doesn't mean it's always going to be fine. I starved half my life! Who knows what long term effect that had on my body. I've always been afraid of losing my child, whether it was from the games or starvation or my own body not being able to carry it. Thats why I never wanted children, Peeta. I've already lost too many people I care about," I sob.

"Katniss, I know you're scared. But we never have to face the games again and with our victor's money together, we never have to worry about not having food on the table. And as for your health, I'm gonna make it my job to keep you healthy, and if you get the littlest pain, I don't care how much you kick and scream, I'm gonna make sure you get to a doctor to make sure everything's all right. We don't have anything to worry about. You'll be okay. You both will be okay," he say laying his hand on my stomach that has started to slightly swell, but not to the point where you could really tell.

"I'm going to be a pain," I warn him.

"I would never expect you to make this easy. But I'll try to be patient with you," He chuckles.

"Well I'll try to not make it too difficult for you," I giggle.

"It'd help if you'd try to go back to sleep now. You need rest to grow that little cutie in there," he says gently poking my stomach.

"Yeah, and you should too. Because even if this baby likes your cooking through the night, she likes to refund it in the morning," I say playfully lay down. Peeta sinks down next to me and pulls me close and I lay my head on his chest.

"You really aren't gonna make this easy for me are you?" he asks.

"Not by a long shot," I say as I fall into a peaceful dream about a girl in a dandelion yellow dress with brown hair and bright blue eyes, running through a meadow.

I'm on fire. My god! Four freakin days in a row. I just had to write that. My mind has been working on over drive. I hope you guys appreciate this because I feel I owe it to you guys for being so patient with me for how slow these updates have been. Thanks for all of this!
91k reads rocks!

Until next time...
Love y'all
Rock on!

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