Chapter 39: I Can't Do That

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(This is about a month and a half after the last one)
Katniss' POV

I wake up in Peeta and my bed as the afternoon light shines through . I roll over to find a plate of cheese buns sitting on the end table. I break one open and a light steam comes out of it. I bite the still warm rolls and eat about five of them. Peeta's baby really must like cheese buns, because it seems like lately it's the only thing I can keep down. I gently hold my slightly swollen stomach, smiling.

It seems like the last few months have gone by so fast. The Capital found out about our baby, but thankfully they've left us alone so far. A lot of people called us after the Capital announced it, to see if it were true or not. Johanna laughed loudly until I hung up on her, Annie was exited to hear that there would be another child Finnicks age, and Effie said something about throwing me a baby shower, but after three hours of arguing, I got rid of that. The only person who didn't call was Gale.I tried calling him, but I don't think he wants to talk to me. I'm carrying Peeta's child. I've chosen my life and Gale's chosen his. And evidentially he doesn't want me in it.

I'm about to go back to sleep when I hear a crash from downstairs. Buttercup jumps off the bed and I follow him. He stops at the top of the stairs and hisses.

"Peeta?" I call. I don't get a reply and slowly start down the steps. When I get to the bottom, I find Peeta in the Kitchen clutching onto a chair so tightly his knuckles are white.

"Oh Peeta," I sigh. He turns his head towards me and lets go of the chair, backing away from me.

"Stay away from me," he says in a voice that lacks his sanity," You killed my family you mutt! Stay away from me!" I walk slowly towards him, trying not to startle him anymore, but he keeps backing away from me. He eventually ends up cornering himself against the wall. He slides down and sits with his knees pulled up to his chest and his face buried in his hands. I slowly kneel in front of him.

"I'm not gonna hurt you Peeta. I know I'm responsible for their deaths but I didn't want it to happen. I need you to come back to me Peeta," I say softly.

"Why should I? You just want to kill me," he says.

"I've never wanted to kill you Peeta! I love you," I say and gently taking his left hand in mine and gently removing it from his face, running my finger over his ring," I loved you so much I got married to you. And I swore I'd never get married. And now I need you to come back to us," I say as I place his hand on my stomach.

"Is that ?" he asks, shock reading on his face in his delusional state.

"That's our baby Peeta. We need you to stay with us. Please stay with us!" I plead with him. I watch as his eyes turn back to normal and see that his flashback has passed.

"Always, I'll always stay with you, with both of you," he says and I pull him into a hug and he buries his face in my hair. He starts crying and I gently rub his back.

"Shhh," I whisper, "its okay, your okay now."

"I'm sorry you have too deal with me," He says.

"I don't care that you have flashbacks, love you just the way you are," I say.

"But what about the baby Katniss. I don't ever want her to see me like this. What if you're not here and she finds me like you just did. I can't do that to our baby Katniss. Why haven't I ever thought of that? What are we gonna do?" He says.

"We'll be fine. The baby will love you no matter what Peeta. They won't care that this happens. All they'll care is that you're their daddy and you love them," I say kissing his cheek and carefully standing up. I hold out my hand to him."Come on, I'll make you some tea. It'll help you relax."

"Okay," he says taking my hand and allowing me to help him pull himself up.

I make some tea and we sip it in the living room talking about our days, even though there's not much to mine since I slept most of it. Then we fall asleep on the couch, Peeta's arm over my stomach, protecting our unborn child from the horrors of the outside world.

Hey Hey Hey! I'm still goin strong on day six. How am I doing this? I don't know but I'll try to keep doing ya proud. Hopefully see you tomorrow. Comment what you think of it.

95k is amazing

Love y'all
Rock on!

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