Chapter 3: Her Terrors

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Peeta's POV

I walk home in silence. I'm happy she's happy. I still love her and don't know how to tell her. I was shocked by what I saw earlier. She looked like she hadn't eaten or slept in days. But she was still beautiful.

I couldn't believe the transformation when she saw me. Her eyes lit up and she touched her hair as if the move it out of her face. Like she was trying to look nice. But then she noticed her hair was matted and left as soon as she could.

When I saw Greasy Sae leaving her house around lunch I stopped her, and asked how she was and Sae confirmed my suspicions. That Katniss was barely eating enough to stay alive, but today Sae told me she had made a huge transformation. She cleaned the house and had talked about taking a bath.

I asked Greasy Sae to make some Lamb Stew for her. She told me she would if I would stay and eat dinner with Katniss. I, of course, agreed and rushed home to make her some fresh bread.

When I got there Katniss was no where to be seen. I guessed she was up stairs. I heard her come down and then I barely heard her hunters footsteps stop behind me.

I turn around and hear her sigh.

"Hey Katniss," I say "I brought you some bread. Sae said you hadn't been eating I hoped it could encourage you."

"Well I never could turn down your bread Peeta." she says and walks over and hugs me. I hug her back burying my head in her hair.

"I've missed you." she whispers softly into my chest.

"I've missed you too Katniss, I was afraid you didn't want to see me after you locked your door this morning." I softly breath into her hair. She very gently pulls away.

"I wasn't that," she say looking into my eyes with her beautiful grey ones," it was just you had woken me from trance I was stuck in since I got home. I cleaned my house, took a bath, finally got the feeling of life in myself."

I lead her to the table and we eat the stew and bread, making small talk. When I bring up rebuilding the bakery she is ecstatic.

"That's great Peeta I'd love to help you with that." She says with a grin on her face.

"Thanks Katniss I'll keep that in mind. I'd better leave and let you get some sleep." I tell her she almost looks sad about that.

I walk into my house and talk a relaxing shower and lay down for the night thinking about what excuse I could use to talk to her, and I'm almost asleep when I hear her scream.

I can see her bedroom from my window and I see Katniss toss and turn crying and screaming in her sleep. I have to help her. She would wake me if she saw me having a nightmare.

I throw on a t-shirt and practically run down my stairs and out of my house to hers. I find the spare key in the flowerpot and walk into her house. I find her in her room stuck in the terror that is her nightmare.

I say her name repeatedly and she begins to wake up. I debate whether to hug her or not and before I know it her grey eyes are staring at me.


So I now have three chapters I'm gonna try to get a forth done but who ever does decide to read this book please give me feed back. I just started and I'm so exited to be writing this.

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