Chapter 4: Our Moonlit Love

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Katniss' POV

I open my eyes and sit up. Peeta is standing there at the end of the bed. He actually is here. He rescued me from my nightmare.

"Katniss, are you ok?" he asks. Peeta is actually worried about me. I want to say I'm fine. To stop worrying. But I don't. I just break down and cry.

Peeta comes over and holds me. He rocks me back and forth and strokes my hair. My crying slows and a wrap my arms around him, holding him close, not wanting to let go. Before I know it I'm whispering words I had not spoke since before the Quarter Quell.

"Stay with me?"

At first a look of shock crosses his face. Oh no! He does want to. I shouldn't have said a thing. But then I see a smile cross his face. His beautiful blue eyes sparkle in the moonlight.


The word he always said when I asked but this is the first time I've ever heard him say it in full reality. I've only ever heard it in my dreams. And I love hearing that word come from his lips.

I don't know how long we sit there holding each other, protecting each other from the terror nightmares bring. He gently lays down and so do I laying my head on his chest. His heartbeat calms me, reminding me how much I love him even if he doesn't know.

Peeta must of put his hand behind the pillow because the next thing I know he says, "Katniss, what's this?"

I look in his hand and see the pearl, my only comfort when he wasn't here shining in the moonlight.

"Peeta, you of all people should know what that is." I say softly.

"You actually kept it after all that happened?" he asks .

"Why wouldn't I?" I say, " It comforts me. I carried it through the whole rebellion. It was my last gift from the one I loved and all I wanted was my boy with the bread back."

His eyes looked shocked and I realize I just revealed the one thing I had kept hidden from even myself since I was 11. That I was in love with Peeta. He had saved my life and without knowing I had I payed attention to him after that, always knowing how he was doing without comprehending the happy feeling in my heart when he smiled at me.

"Did you really just say that?" Peeta asks.

" Say what?" I ask, hoping that he won't do what I know is coming.

"That you love me?" he asks

"I don't know, maybe." I say

"You love me Real or Not Real?" Peeta asks me.

I don't even hesitate. I know in my heart the answer.

"Real." I say as a lean down to kiss him.


So yeah I'm tired now but I wanted to give a good base to try to hook some readers please tell me what you think. I'll update when the next chapter comes to me. I have A base plan but I need to fill in the details. Hope to write it tommarrow !

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