45: Their Beauty

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Peeta's POV

"Are you sure?" I ask Katniss and she sends me a glare."Of course you're sure." I take that moment to call out for her mother.

"Mrs. Everdeen!" I yell. She hurries down the stairs when she sees Katniss, you can see her go to that place she pushes herself to whenever she has a patient.

"Okay let's get her upstairs and get her comfortable," she says walking over to us and helping me walk Katniss up to our bedroom."Get her into a nightgown Peeta, I'll get the bed ready for her." As I help Katniss out of her clothes and into a nightgown she keeps staring at me with a look of fear written clearly in her eyes.

"I'm so scared Peeta!" she cries. I look over to her mother who is finishing up on clearing the bed off and placing clean sheets on it. When she sees the situation I'm in she walks over and takes her daughters hand.

"You'll be just fine darling. The important thing right now is to stay calm because an increases heart rate and blood pressure is not going to do you or the baby any good right now. Just let me and Peeta get you into bed and try to make you as comfortable as we can," she says and helps me ease Katniss over to bed and lay her down carefully."Get her back propped up on those pillows," she orders and I gently ease the pillows behind her back so she's sitting up against the headboard. Mrs. Everdeen looks at Katniss' lower region a looks back up at us.

"She's only about two centemeters," she says.

"What's that mean?" I ask.

"That means that she got quite a few uncomfortable hours ahead of her," she replies and the panic is apparent on Katniss' face.

"Hours?!" she cries.

"Yes, hours. You'll be fine. You couldn't have a better guy sitting next to you right now. And he's gonna keep you nice and comfortable while I go get everything ready," she says standing up and leaving. Katniss cringes and squeezes my hand so hard I'm afraid she'll break it as she rides out what I can only guess is another contraction.She cried and I feel my heart tear in two.

"Shhh," I say trying to calm her down but I obviously only piss her off.

"Don't you dare shhh me! You will never know what I'm going through!" she yells at me.

"Calm down," I say but instantly regret it, because it releases the wrath of my pregnant wife.

"Calm down? You want me to calm down! I'm going to have to push a baby the size of a watermelon out of me in the next few hours! I would not tell me to calm down if you want to live to see this baby!" she says and taking her advice I just rub her back as she crushes my hand in hers, stay silent. When she comes out of it she looks over at me.

"I'm sorry, I know your trying to help but it's not helping right now. I don't mean anything I'm saying," she says, breathing hard.

"I know. I expected worse," I admit seeing as I thought she would have chewed me out way more than she has so far.

"Peeta, your going to get called every name in the book by the time this is over," she says and I laugh.

"I don't doubt it," I say, kissing her cheek.

"Can we talk about something?" she asks.

"Like what?" I ask.

"I don't know. Anything," she says.

"Do you know what you want to name her?" I ask.

"If its a girl?" she asks. Not wanting to fight her on this, since I do think it is a girl, I nod.

"I don't know. I think we will just have to see what she's like. We can't really name her before we see her. Although if its a girl, I have a middle name picked out," she says.

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