Chapter 36: His Dream Come True

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Peeta's POV (yeah I know. Finally!)

Katniss has been acting really weird lately. Ever since her mother left back for District 4, she's been almost avoiding me at some points but when she sleeps, she clings to me like I might disappear. She wakes up before I do and since she goes to the woods, I don't usually see her until she visits me at lunch or if she doesn't, when I get home. When I do get home, she's most likely napping on the couch, Buttercup curled at her feet.

Today when I walk in, its no different.
I kiss her cheek and she stirs lightly. When she sits up, she rubs her eyes and blinks up at me.

"Hey," Katniss says, her voice hoarse from sleep,"How was your day?"

"Fine, a little boring, but fine," I say, " you hungry?"

"Yeah, I don't think I've eaten all day. I was a little sick to my stomach earlier today," she says.

"You feeling okay?" I ask, touching her cheek to see if she has a fever. She frowns and pushes me away, standing.

"I'm fine. It was just a stomach ache. I'm over it," she says stomping off towards the bathroom. When she shuts the door loudly, as if to make a point that I've annoyed her, I flinch. Instead of bugging her about something she won't tell me but is clearly bothering her, I go and begin to make some sandwiches. If she was sick earlier, I don't want her throwing up later because she still is and refuses to tell me.

As I'm finishing the sandwiches, I her the bathroom door open and Katniss walks out quietly and stops behind me, wrapping her arms around my torso and laying her head on my back.

"I'm sorry," she whispers.

"For what?" I ask.

"Getting so angry at you for a reason we don't need to discuss," She says.

"What'd I do?" I ask, turning to face her.

"Nothing," she says resting her chin on my chest.

"Then why were you upset?" I ask.

"I don't really know," she says, but I can tell she knows exactly what's been making her act strange the last few days and finally making her snap tonight.

"Do you wanna go to the woods, maybe to the lake. It might help you clear your head," I say. She starts thinking it over, wheels clearly spinning in her head.

"Why not!" Katniss says eventually, " We haven't spent much time together lately, mostly my fault," she adds sadly. We eat our sandwiches and Katniss slips on her shoes as we walk out the door. I try to make small talk, but you can tell Katniss' mind is else where. Then as we reach the clearing with the lake she sits down and motions to do the same. We sit together in the silence, watching the sun set over the lake, shading it orange and red when she breaks the silence.

"You really liked that baby yesterday, didn't you?" she says looking out over the water. I stare at her for a second, wondering why she asked that, but I answer her without asking her why.

"Yeah, I did. I've always liked kids. Especially now. They're our future, and thanks to you and the other rebels, they'll never have to live in the world we grew up in," I say.

"But they'll still have to face it. Even though its over, it'll never go away. We both know that," she says referring to questions they'll ask, like how their parents lost a limb or why they sometimes hear screams during the night caused by nightmares that will never go away.

"Yeah, but they'll get through it. Their parents will help them through it. They'll make sure the memories live on so we never have to face a world like that again," I say looking at her.

"You've always kept the children in mind. The free cookies at the bakery, the help with playground at the school. You really love them don't you?" she says her face lightening in the setting sun.

"I've always enjoyed children. Adults are to uptight and the kids are carefree. They can be mad at you one minute and crying for you to forgive them the next. They don't hold grudges and even when they are mad, you still know they care," I say staring at her. She sighs and I can see her struggling to say something. Eventually she chuckles and looks at me with a smile playing on her lips.

"Well it's good to know you feel like that," she says, " since your having one of your own." I stare at her trying to process what she just said.

"What do you mean Katniss?" I ask her. She looks at me like she can't believe it's not processing through my mind.

"I'm pregnant Peeta," she says with a faint smile on her face. I stand up and stare down at her. She just looks at me with a smirk on her lips while I just look at her in shock.

"I'm gonna be a father?" I ask her breathlessly. She nods and it pull her up and hold her close, burying my face in her hair.

"I'm guessing your pretty happy about that," she laughs. I pull away and kiss her cheek.

"This is the best day of my life," I say looking at her. She smiles and I kneel in front of her and wrap my arms around her middle, laying my head on her stomach. I hold for what seems like a long time, when I hear her crying softly. I carefully get back up and see tears running down cheeks. I gently wipe one away with my thumb.

"What's wrong sweetie?" I ask her. She looks up at me with slightly puffy eyes.

"I'm not ready for this. To have you babying me, to be a mom. When I said we could have children, I didn't think we'd have to worry about this until we were at least 20. We're both 18 Peeta! I'll still be 18 when the baby comes! I'm not ready!" she say bawling into my shirt. And just like that, I start to feel the weight of the world start to fall on my shoulders. She's right we are young, but she had been single handedly taking care of prim at 11.

"Is that why you've been acting so weird lately, being gone before I wake up, napping until dinner and clinging to me as though I'll disappear at night? Because your afraid?" I ask her lifting her chin.

"I knew you'd be so happy when you found out. I didn't want to ruin it for you by having me cry. So I've been waking up early so I can be in the woods before my morning sickness sets in and you won't worry about me. And getting up that early makes it hard to stay awake through the whole day, so after lunch I sleep. I keep having nightmares about someone taking our baby away so I cling to you because you keep them away. I didn't want to ruin this for you so I've kept quiet since my mother helped me figure it out, trying to find a way to tell you without breaking you heart over it," she says.

"Hey," I say kissing her nose," I know it doesn't seem like it, but I'm scared too. But we'll be okay. We've got each other. And in my opinion, this baby's lucky to have you as it's mother," I say kissing her forehead.

"Why would you say that?" she asks, looking at me with her eyes still red from crying but the tears defiantly dry.

"Because I know that you'll love her unconditionally and always be there for her and she'll have your soft brown hair and beautiful grey eyes probably your stubbornness, but well cross that bridge when we get there," I say laughing.

"Her?" Katniss asks. I shrug.

"I've always wanted a girl," I say and she giggles causing a grin to cover my face.

"Well, boy or girl, this baby's pretty lucky to have you too," she says looking down at her still flat stomach. I take her hand and place both of them on her stomach, making her smile softly. I look at her with the biggest smile I think I've ever smiled.

"This is real?" I ask. Katniss looks up at me and smiles.

"Yes Peeta, This is real," she says intertwining the fingers of our hands that still rest on her stomach, over our baby.
I can't believe I wrote again. I'm on fire. I just couldn't stop the questions you guys were probably asking me through telekinesis and I was asking myself. How does she tell him? Is he suspicious of how she's been acting? How does he react? How does she react to how he acts? How does he comfort her? Yes I got my idea from the picture, but I felt it really needed elaborated. I'm happy how this turned out and proud of myself for updating so often for you guys. I hope you enjoy it. And now I shall leave you to enjoy your lives.

Until next time
Love y'all
Rock on!

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