Q & A

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Hey so this is me! Yeah It's my homecoming picture from December but this is the only current picture of my self I like so sorry, no selfie. Since none of you asked I'm 16 years old and live in Ohio. Whoo hoo. okay so here's your answers in the order the questions were asked.

Q: "What inspired you to write an Everlark fan fiction? @kittycat350

A: I actually refused to read the Hunger Games series until last year. Before that I had been misconceived as to what it was about. All I knew was it was a story about kids killing kids and that disgusted me. I had no idea how it would later change my life.

I first actually got interested in the Hunger Games when my brother had started watching the movie on Netflix for a school project and stopped it at the train scene. I was bored on a Saturday and saw it on the recently watched and thought why not?. I watched a minute of it, was hooked and restarted it from the beginning. I was under the spell of the Girl on Fire and the Boy with the Bread.

During Study Hall last school year, which was first period in the library, I was often bored because I had done my homework the night before and had nothing to do. One day I looked to shelf I say in front of. On the bottom shelf stood the last two books of the Hunger Games. Since I had already seen the first movie, I picked up Catching Fire. After one chapter, I was hooked like a fish on a line. Katniss was a girl I could relate to. I could feel her emotions as I read of her struggle to keep Peeta and her sister safe only to have him ripped from her grasp and hijacked while she was swept up into a rebellion that would eventually kill her sister.

I don't know how many times I read all three books over and over before I began to be overcome with my own curiosity. I read over the last chapter and epilogue of Mockingjay several times and was always left with unanswered questions. How did they grow back together? What did their lives become? I was soon introduced to Wattpad and swept into the world of Everlark fan fictions of every shape and size. But none were how I saw it. Many were close but none were quite right. None were my vision.

Two months later, Help Me Make it Through the Night was born, and my journey as an author began.


Q: "What do you do in your free time besides reading and writing? @ride_to_the_fullest

A: I like to dance, sing, simply enjoy music. I absolutely adore 90's Country and 80's Rock music. I also take a market goat to the county fair.


Q: Do you have any pets? @ride_to_the_fullest

A: I have a 10 year old Australian Shepard-Labrador Retriever mix named Buffy and will be getting my market goat for the fair this year, Rocky, this weekend.


Q: What are your favorite books/series? @ride_to_the_fullest

A: Defiantly the Hunger Games series and my favorite being Catching Fire because it will always have a special Place in my heart for being the first actually book in the series I read, but I love all of them equally.


Q: What's your favorite show? @SpecialDestineeAM

A: I have a lot of favorites. Bones, Family Guy, Futurama, The Simpsons, That 70's Show just to name a few.


Q: What do you do to get your creative juices flowing for your stories? @SpecialDestineeAM

A: I blare music and think of what should happen next. When it does come to me, I write and don't stop until I'm finished to keep the idea fresh in my mind.

Q: Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? @bittersweetbeauty

A: Not currently. I might try it during the summer but I don't feel a strong urge to watch it.


Q: What inspired you to write in general? @love_hostage

A: Reading and listening to music. Reading usually gets me interested in a topic and the music gets my mind working and gets the ideas to start flowing.


Q: Fav Hunger Games Movie so far? @alyssakattan

A: Mockingjay Part1. I liked the others but Mockingjay Part1 described the book in near perfection.


Q: Do you have an insta/fan page? If so what is it? @alyssakattan

A: Unfortunately, at this time I do not. I may start one on Facebook in the near future and at that time will tell you guys.


Q: Can you drive? If you do, what do you drive? @jhutchjlaw

A: Yes, I do drive. And I have a black 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I absolutely love it.


Q: Is Garth Brooks your favorite singer? @jhutchjlaw

A: Yes, a million times yes. He inspires me and his music, that he is almost always a contributing writer to, can make me feel the emotions the songs possess I absolutely adore both him and his wife, Trisha Yearwood.

Well that's all your questions! If you have more, feel free to message me with them. Thanks again for the now 105k reads and sorry but I probably can't update until this weekend. I'll see ya later.


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