Chapter 35: What He Doesn't Know

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Katniss' POV

Peeta and I got married a little over a month ago. It still seems to good to be true. We didn't go on a honeymoon or anything like that, although it a lot of time to convince Effie to not make us go on one. She wanted to send us on a somewhat repeat of our victory tour and while there were some good times on that train, but I was afraid of what it would do to Peeta.

Right now we're sitting at the table eating our breakfast, glancing at each other every once in a while. We sit there enjoying the comfort of the silence when I hear an almost silent knock at the door. I open it to find Annie holding a small green bundle.

"Annie! It's so nice to see you. Please come in," I say holding the door open for her as she walks past. I lead her to the living room and she sits down on the sofa as the bundle in her arms begins. She lifts him off her chest and smiles at the tiny child in her arms.

"Now Finny," she chides softly, "There's no need to get fussy." As she tries to calm her baby, Peeta walks in. When he sees Annie with the baby, a grin appears on his face.

"Annie! It is lovely to see you. Is this your baby I've heard so much about," he says walking over to stand beside her. When I had showed him the picture of Annie and her baby, had been overjoyed to have heard that Annie had had her healthy baby boy and was getting better from her loss of Finnick.

"Yes. This is my little Finny," she said gently rocking her precious bundle in her arms as his cries turn into soft whimpers.

"He's perfect Annie," he says, staring at the tiny bundle in her arms.

"Do you want to hold him?" she asks. Peeta nods eagerly and Annie gets up and gently places Finnick, or as she calls him, Finny into Peeta's arms. He smiles brightly at the baby as he sleeps peacefully in his arms. Other than our wedding, I've never seen Peeta happier than with that baby in his arms. He looks over at me still smiling.

"Do you want to hold him?" he asks. I take a step back and shake my head slightly.

"Come on Katniss, it's not like he's gonna hurt you," he says.

"I don't know," I say, still a little uneasy at the thought of holding the tiny, breakable child.

"Please Katniss," he says. I sigh and reluctantly hold out my arms. Peeta gently slides little Finnick into my arms. He stirs slightly, opening his bright sea green eyes, but doesn't make a noise. He blinks up at me curiously with the eyes he so obviously got from his father. He smiles at me and I give him a genuine smile back. He laughs, giving me a toothless grin.

"Well aren't you just a little charmer," I chuckle at him, touching his tiny hand. He wraps it around my finger, holding it tightly, which causes a shiver down my spine and a tear in my eye.

I don't know how long I stand there cradling him until I feel Peeta's shadow fall over me. I look over to where he had been chatting with Annie to see her snoring softly on the sofa.

"You can have him back anytime you know," I say not really looking back at him, my eyes still trained on little Finnick.

"But you look so happy. You're really good with him," he says. I look over my shoulder up at him.

"You think so?" I ask nervously.

"Of course. You can tell he adores you," he says kissing my cheek. I feel a faint blush grow on my face and gently hand Finnick back to Peeta.

"I'm gonna go make some tea for when she wakes up," I say walking towards the kitchen.

Okay. I'm gonna see if I can get this little guy to sleep," Peeta says starting to pace around, gently bouncing the tiny green bundle in his arms in an attempt to get the baby to sleep. He looks so happy holding that baby, like he couldn't have another care in the world.

As I put the kettle on, my hand absentmindedly goes to my stomach. Because little does Peeta know, in the matter of a few months, he's going to have his on child to hold and to love.

And it scares me to death.
Mwahahaha! God I feel so evil. Why have I done this to you guys. I'd hate if someone did this to me. But it happens. Two updates in two days. I'm extremely proud of myself and of you guys for giving me 35 votes in less that twelve hours! You guys are awesome!
87k reads! That 1k since last night!

Love y'all!
Rock on!

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