Chapter 5: Our Truth is Revealed

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He kisses me back and it awakens the hunger that I have felt twice before. Once in the cave in my first games and once on the beach the night before I lost him. There is one thing different though.

I know that this feeling won't fade again. Not tonight not ever. This hunger has become true love, a love that I have denied myself since that night when I was caring for him in the cave.

"Katniss are you sure?" Peeta asks as I reluctantly pull away."I don't want to hurt you. I still have flashbacks from my hijacking."

"I know you are strong enough to fight the flashbacks off. I know the real you would never hurt me." I softly say to him.

"But wha-" he try's to say, but I cut him off.

"If you can deal with my nightmares I can deal with yours." I smile as I pull him into another kiss. He smiles as I lay my head on his chest.

I listen to his heart in the peaceful silence that follows. I had not realized the power of the sound of his heart beat until he was taken by the Capital. It has a calming effect on me, reminding me he is here and will not let anything happen to me. Peeta's heart beat makes me feel safe.

His breathing slows and I look up and see he is sleeping. He looks like he is so peaceful. Peeta's face is lit up by the moonlight. How I could not admit my love sooner I will never know.

As I'm about to fall asleep, I move my leg slightly I feel something scratch it. I move the blanket and see what it is. A bolt on Peeta's fake leg scratched me.

As carefully as I can I disentangle myself from Peeta's arms and bend down to unfasten his fake leg. As careful as I am to not wake him I don't succeed.

"Katniss, what are you doing?" Peeta asks.

"You can't be comfortable with this on." I say.

"Well it's not but I don't want you to see me like this. I'm afraid you will just blame yourself." he tells me. I gently begin to unlatch his leg and say.

"I do blame myself. I should have protected you better. But the past is the past and we can't change it. we just have to face our truth, our scars because they will never go away."

I finally remove the prosthetic and trace the scars on his stump. It stops just above where his knee used to be. The doctors must have tried very hard to hide the fact that he ever had a leg there. but there was one there. I lightly kiss Peeta's lost leg before laying back down in his arms.

"You saved my life Katniss. I can live without that leg." And that's the last thing I hear before sleep claims me.


Hey so those who are reading it I love you I've had this story for less than I week and have three reads. that's awsome. Also I Recomend you listen to a song I'm going to have Katniss sing to Peeta later.( I'm not telling when but it should go well) It's called If Tomorrow Never Comes By: Garth Brooks my all time favorite singer. I'll have to do some lyrics changes since Katniss is a girl not a guy but please listen and tell me what you think of it!


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