Chapter 22: Almost Normal

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Katniss' POV

I hate to admit it, but I missed that stupid cat. He is all I have left of my sister and I guess that she would want me to take care of him while he is still on this side. He's so old that I doubt he'll last much longer anyway.

But anyway today, the first Monday of February, has finally arrived. Peeta's so exited. He can finally start on rebuilding the bakery. The pieces of our lives can finally start to fall back into place. He's been anticipating this for the last week. He has a countdown on the fridge, I'm not even kidding. If I didn't love him as much as I do, I would have gotten annoyed by this a long time ago. But knowing how much this could help him with his flashbacks and nightmares. I can't help but be exited too.

I wake up to him shaking me. I open my eyes to be met with his blue ones, filled with excitement.

"Katniss, guess what to day is!" he says, smiling like a lunatic. I decide to mess with him.

"Your birthday?" I ask, pretending to be confused. He gives me a weird look.

"No, that's in March,"he says.

"Is it my birthday?" I ask, smirking. He makes the same pout you would see on a five year old.

"No! It's the day I finally get to start building my bakery!" he says. I laugh at him and grin.

"Of course it is. You haven't let me forget it," I say and he gets a smirk on his face.

"Oh you think your so funny. Well Miss Mockingjay, I'll give you something to laugh about," and with that he begins to tickle me. At first I try to hold in my laughter, but its just to hard. I let our giggles and I screech as he tickles my sides. I try everything but I can't get him to stop.

"Peeta, please," I giggle,"please stop or I think I'll pee myself." He finally stops and sits up.

"You gonna stop picking on me now?" he asks with a smirk.

"Yes yes , I've learned my lesson," I say, gasping because honestly, I'm out of breath.

"That's what I thought," he says sitting up,"Well I'm gonna go get ready to start the bakery. I'll see you tonight."

"Oh no you don't," I say grabbing his wrist. He looks at me confused.

"Why? I really want to do this. Why can't I go?" he asks.

"Because, you need to wait about ten more minutes so I can get ready and go with you," I say and he smiles.

"Well hurry up, we are burning daylight," he says and leaves so I can get ready.

After I'm ready, we make our way hand in hand towards the merchant part of District 12. When we get there, the building crew that has been working to repair the district is standing there waiting for us. Thom steps forward.

"Hey you two! 'Bout time you got here. We would have started, but we figured we would let Peeta lift the first shovel of dirt. Old building tradition," Thom says, handing Peeta a shovel. Peeta turns and looks at me.

"You want to help me do the honors Katniss?" he asks. I nod and place my tiny hands on the shovel next to the his.

"Together?" I ask him.

"On three," he responds.

"One," I say as we touch the shovel to the ground.

"Two," he says as we use our feet to sink the shovel into the dirt.

"Three!" we say together as we pull the shovel full of dirt up and quite successfully dump it on ourselves causing a round of laughs from the building crew. We laugh ourselves and turn around to face them.

"Well everyone," Peeta says smiling ,"thanks for coming to help Katniss and I. Now let's get to work!" causing a round of cheers as everyone begins dispersing to begin work. And as we begin to dig the foundation, I can help but smile as I feel our lives finally start falling in place.

Hey guys! Got you a new chapter. Yay! Feels great to fall into writing again. I love you all and I am going to confirm that I will be writing the Peeta's POV trilogy. I'm so exited. I'm still gonna write here regularly. Don't worry because this story is far from over. Until next time....
Love y'all
Rock on!
-Kayla(K-dog to some of my fellow blue jacket basketball players!)

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