Shopping with Blaine

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Today is only me and Blaine shopping as either no one wants to or they were busy doing something else.

"Lets go bubba" I tell him as I carry him to the car.

"You excited to go shopping with daddy today?" I ask him as put him in his car seat.

"Yeah" he cheers. The bad thing about going on my own is that Blaine has to go in a trolley, which he absolutely hates, I don't know why but he just hates them.

I get in the car and head to the 'infantilism store', which also does what 'adults' need and all sorts of proper foods instead of just 'baby' stuff. I park next to a trolley cover thing that was outside in the car park.

"Ill be back in a minute sweetie" I tell him as I get out of the car and start to hear him cry.

"Daddy!" I hear him sob and see him putting his arms out for me. I go back to the car and put the trolley next to Blaine's door.

"It's alright baby, daddy wasn't that far" I soothe him as I get him out.

"In we go" I say and try to put him in the trolley.

"No! no! no!" he cries and starts to hit my arms.

"Baby stop!" I tell him sternly but he still carried on, so I took him out and placed him in his car seat but not buckling him up as I held him to calm down a little.

"Stop it!" I tell him as he was still crying and hitting. He finally calmed down after 10 minutes.

"Blaine, you have to get in the trolley" I tell him carefully.

"Noooooooo!" he cries again.

"Blaine this is not an option, you get in this trolley and be a good boy or you can carry on and go into your naughty corner once we're finished" I tell him.

"Twolley" he sniffles.

"Thank you" I say and finally put him in. We walk into the shop and start getting things. Blaine saw a stuffed toy dog.

"Daddy!" he lisps around his dummy and points to the dog.

"You want the dog baby?" I ask him.

"Eah!" he nods.

"Alright" I say and get the dog of the shelf and pass it to him.

"You can hold it until we have to pay ok?" I tell him.

"Otay" he says and looks around as I start walking down the isle looking for what I need.

"Daddy 'ipes" Blaine pointed out.

"Thank you baby" I praise him and kiss him on his head and he giggles. Blaine was helping me out with the shopping and trying to say the words but obviously found them difficult.

"Daddy! Elp!" He says and taps my stomach repeatedly.

"Woah baby, what word?" I say and grab his wrist.

"Dat one" he says and points to the word 'sausages'.

"Ok saus-a-ges"

"Aus'ges" he tries.

"That's ok"

"Anyway what's next?" I ask him. Half way through helping, Blaine got fed up and fussy. He might be hungry or tired as its near his nap time and lunch time.

"Daddy!" he whines.

"Baby what's up?" I ask him.

"Daddy!" he starts to cry. Definitely nap time.

"Sweetheart are you tired?" I ask him.

"Eah" he says and rubs his eyes with his fists.

"I'm nearly done sweetheart" I soothe as I rub his back.

"No daddy!" he cries.

"Baby you can't sleep now, I'm nearly done" I say and put a few more things in the trolley.

"AHHHHHH!" he sobs.

"Alright baby, I know, daddy's sorry"

"Bot bot" he sobs.

"It will be a bit uncomfortable if you sleep in the trolley though Blaine" I tell him.

"Bot bot" he sobs.

"Fine" I sigh and do him a quick bottle.

"Here you go sweetie" I say and give it to him. Once I was nearly done I look at Blaine and see his hands on the trolley and his head in his hands. I quickly take a pic and send it to the family then go to the till to pay.

"Aww bless him" the cashier cooes.

"I know, I tried to keep him awhile longer, but that didn't work out at all" I chuckle lightly as I put things on the till.

"I see" she chuckles. I payed for everything and then walked back to the car. I gently pick Blaine up, but he stirred and then cried in his sleep.

Blaine would sometimes do this, if he knows he is being moved, sometimes he will cry in his sleep or won't cry at all.

"Shhh baby, daddy's got you" I whisper and rub his back while I rocked side to side on the spot as he grabbed my shoulders.

"Shhh shhh" I soothed. Once Blaine calmed down I put him in his car seat then put everything in the boot before heading home. Once home, put Blaine in his crib then unpacked everything once it was in the house.

We have dinner and then play for a little while, before I put Blaine to bed.

"Say night night" I tell him as he laid his head down on my shoulder.

"Ni-ni" he lisps around his dummy sleepily.

"Night" they chorused. I take Blaine up and change his nappy and pyjamas, then gave him some of my milk as a treat for being good today.

"Drink up baby" I tell him and lift my shirt up and he sucks away. Blaine was finally asleep, so I kissed him goodnight, give everything he needs when he sleeps before going to bed myself.

Infantilism BlaineWhere stories live. Discover now