Bringing Blaine home

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Today is the day Blaine gets to come home with us but before we go home we have to go to the infantilism store.

I was then putting Blaine in the car seat just as dad and Carole walked in.

"Hey" they say as they walk and I motion them to be quiet.

"Aww he's so cute" Carole cooed.

"Are you ready kiddo?" dad asks.

"Yeah" I pick Blaine up, who was very light. I wander how much he's ate over the last few weeks. We sign out and head to the car.

"Now how do you put a car seat in again?" I ask dad and he just chuckles.

"Oh Kurt" he sighs and puts Blaine in.

"Thanks" I say and get in the back with Blaine while dad drives to the store. We get to the store and I get out to set up the pushchair, once I did that Carole passed him to me and I set Blaine on to it, making sure it clicked in.

"Dad can you get one of those big trolleys please?"

"Sure" he says and gets one. We walk around for a little while and not half way through Blaine wakes up crying.

"Aww what's wrong baby?"

"AAAAHHHHHHHH!" he cried moving his arms a little.

"Aww baby boy you hungry?"

"Hey Carole where's the formula and spare bottle the doctor gave us?" I say to her.

"Oh here I made a bottle before we left, its still alright to have though" she says as she hands me a bottle.

"Alright alright sweetie here" I say and pop the bottle in his mouth and propped up a blanket under it as he didn't know how to use his hands just yet.

We got nearly everything that a baby needs and headed back home, to show Blaine the house for the 'first' time, although he is a 'baby'.

"Yay were home" I say and get out of the car then get Blaine out, who was asleep with a dummy in his mouth. I put him inside the house for now then help dad and Carole with the shopping. We lock up the car ad head inside then unpack the stuff.

I got a pack n play and some baby guard rails incase Blaine ends up being with me during the night.

"I'll be upstairs setting up Blaine's pack n play in my room, so if you need me i'll be in there" I tell them as I head upstairs. Once I finally managed to set up Blaine's pack n play, I go downstairs just in time for dinner.

"Blaine's been asleep for quite a while" Carole says concerned.

"I know, it's just that when we were together I noticed something about him" I tell them.

"And what was that?" dad asked.

"He wasn't eating as much, he was skinnier than before and I thought if he got any skinnier he would break, he would be even quieter than before and he would come to school with bruises and scrapes on him, that he didn't like to be touched and every noise someone or something made, he would flinch" I explain.

"Then why didn't you try and ask him?" Carole asked.

"I was going to the other night when we were on the phone but..." I sighed.

"It's ok sweetie, we know you don't have to finish that" Carole said as she rubbed the back of my hand that sat on top of the table.

"Hey I'm home" Finn came barging in waking up Blaine in the process.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" he cries out.

"Alright sweetheart" I say and crouch down and unbuckle him from his car seat and get him out.

"Ok woah, since when was Blaine a baby?" Finn asks.

"Long story, i'll tell you when Blaine is down in bed" I tell him as I try and settle Blaine down. Once Blaine had a bottle and was changed into a new nappy and clean pyjamas, I put him to bed and then tell Finn the whole story before heading to bed myself.

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