Seperation Anxiety

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Blaine has recently been really clingy to me and I don't know why but if this continues to carry on, I think I might have to take him to go see someone about this, because this isn't healthy for him or me.

"Baby, go play with your toys" I tell him as I set him down or at least try to.

"No, wan' 'ou" he sobs.

"I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere" I tell him.

"No! No! Nooooooo!" He screams as I finally managed to place him down.

"Daddy" he sobs as he rubs his eyes with his fists and runs on the spot, having a small tantrum.

"I'm right here, Blaine" I tell him.

"Up" he cries as he puts his arms in the air to indicate what he wanted.

"No, daddy has things to do, go play with something"

"No" he sobs. After many attempts of trying to convince him to go play with his toys, I sigh and give in, but only because he was starting to get on my nerves and I was getting a bit of a headache with all his crying.

"You happy now?" I ask him as he sniffled into my shoulder. I sigh again and decide to ring Sebastian.

"Ello?" He answers the phone.

"Hey Bas, Blaine's being really clingy today so I was wandering if you can come over and play with him, I need to get things done and he won't let me" I explain to him.

"Sure, I take it he's with you right now?" He asks.


"Ok, can you put him on the phone please?"

"Sure, here baby, it's papa" I tell Blaine as I put the phone on loud speaker.

"Hey buddy, are you a little grumpy?" Bas coos.

"Daddy" Blaine mumbles.

"I know, but daddy needs to do a lot of things today"

"No" Blaine pouts as he looks at me.

"Blaine? Can you do daddy a big big big big favour?" Sebastian asks.

"Hmm" Blaine hums.

"Can you go play with your toys until papa gets there?" He asks.

"No, daddy" Blaine sobs as he turned in my arms and put his face in my shoulder and sobbed.

"Sorry, Kurt"

"It's fine, I'll just see you in a bit" I sigh.

"Ok" we hang up and I rock Blaine a little bit in my arms until he fell asleep. I thought this might be my chance for an hour or so, so I went to lay him down on the sofa.

"Daddy" he mumbles, almost waking up.

"It's alright, go back to sleep" I try and soothe him.

"Daddy" he starts to cry.

"Oh, Blaine, please, daddy's just gonna be in the other room" I try and convince him to go back to sleep.

"No" he sobs as he reaches out for me. I pick him up again and carry him around. I hold Blaine for another 20 minutes until Sebastian turned up.

"Oh, thank god you're here" I sigh in relief as I hug Sebastian as soon as he got out the car.

"Hi to you too" he chuckles as he hugs me back.

"Sorry, he hasn't stopped crying for 20 minutes" I tell him.

"Ok, come 'ere, bud" Bas says as he takes Blaine from me.

Infantilism BlaineWhere stories live. Discover now