Bad Nights

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It was 1:00am in the morning when I heard Blaine crying for me. I get out of bed lazily and stroll into his room.

"What's wrong baby? you gonna be sick again?" I asked him as I picked him up to feel that he was extremely wet.

"Ok I think somebody needs a change" I say and lie him down while he was still crying.

"Hey baby calm down sweetie okay, it's alright, daddy's got you" I soothe while changing him to also notice he's starting to get a rash.

"Oh baby, you gotta another rash coming again" I sigh.

"Daddy" he sobs.

"Alright alright, daddy's sorry" I say and quickly work on getting him changed.

"You want a bottle sweetheart?" I ask him and he nods lazily as he lays his head in my shoulder.

"Come on then" I say and head downstairs.

I make Blaine a bottle then head back up stairs and into his room on the rocking chair.

"Drink up sweetie" I tell him as I pop the bottle in his mouth. Once Blaine was back to sleep and settled again I put him in his crib and shut the door before heading back to bed.

Blaine woke up again at 3:00am to have thrown up on his sheets, so I took him into my room and cuddled him close and will do the sheets in the morning.

5:00am he woke up again throwing up on my sheets, so I took him downstairs.

"Here baby have some medicine" I say and put the syringe in his mouth.

"Good boy" I praise.

"Want a juice?" I ask him, I had to be quiet as everyone else was still in bed.

"Eah" he whispers tiredly. Once Blaine had his juice, I turned on the television onto Peppa Pig, but Blaine just started crying and didn't seem to stop, I tried everything I could think of to calm him down. He finally went to sleep in his bouncy chair and I finally got some sleep on the couch with Peppa Pig playing quietly in the background.

Burt's pov:

I woke up at 7:00am to get ready for work, I take a shower and get dressed then head downstairs to have breakfast. Before I walked into the kitchen I heard the television playing so I walk in there to see Blaine in his bouncer and Kurt asleep on the sofa, poor boys must be tired and Blaine must be that sick as I smelt some going past both boys' bedroom.

I walk over to them and put a thin blanket over Blaine and another thin blanket over Kurt. As I was about to leave the room Blaine stirred.

"Shhh shhh" I whisper while rocking the bouncer gently and trying not to unsettle his stomach. I go back into the kitchen and make some breakfast before heading to work and leaving both boys a kiss on the head and Carole and Finn a note telling them to let Kurt and Blaine sleep in as Kurt couldn't get much sleep and Blaine is still very unwell.

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