Terrible Twos

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It's been a couple weeks since Blaine's second birthday and today seems to be a start of the terrible two days.

"Blaine! Please, stop" I tell him as he started to whine again.

"No!" He sobs as he puts his foot down.

"Hey" dad greets as he comes down the stairs.

"Hi" I sigh as I'm already getting fed up with Blaine.

"Ok, whys he crying?" He asks.

"Because he's just had breakfast and know the rules that it isn't snack time yet so he's asking for a biscuit, which I said no to because it's not snack time yet" I explain.

"Eah" he screams with tears running down his face.

"Blaine, you have to listen to daddy" dad says to Blaine, calmly.

"No" he sobs as he then tries to see if he can attempt at climbing the counter.

"No, do you want a time out?" I ask him as I move him away.

"No" he sobs as he attempts again.

"Blaine!" Dad says sternly.

"Eanie" he says as he runs off, crying.

"Well, apparently we're meanies" dad chuckles.

"Apparently so" I sigh.

"You don't have work do you? I could really use the help today as I probably know what sort of day this is going to be" I silently beg.

"No I don't, but if you want I could try and attempt at getting him out of the house and do some errands with me if you'd like, just to give you a bit of a break if he carries on"

"Thanks, but I'm sure I'll be alright" I say.

"Don't be silly, come on" he says.

"Fine, but only if he carries on" I warn him.

"Sure" he smiles as if he was satisfied with my answer. We then hear Blaine emptying out his box of toys but I just leave him to it, but as soon as something worse happens, I'll be in that living room right away. We then both hear toys being thrown at the walls and I immediately run straight in there.

"Time out, go" I tell him as I stop him throwing the toys.

"No" he stomps his foot and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Go!" I tell him off sternly and when he didn't budge I grab a hold of his wrist, marching him over there.

"Noooo!" He screams and tries to turn around.

"Blaine!" I warn him.

"If you do not turn and face that wall right now, you'll be going to bed early" I warn him again and he instantly turns around in the seat.

"You'll sit there for 5 minutes, get up and I'll restart the timer and you'll go to bed without supper" I tell him as I walk away once I knew Blaine was going to stay put.

"Oh my god, that boy" I sigh as I walk into the kitchen where dad was having his breakfast.

"This is going to a long day" he tells me.

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