Sebastian's Week Away

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In just a few days, Sebastian and his family have to fly back to their hometown as there was some family crisis going on and they all had to be there, which meant I was stuck with Blaine for a whole week. I don't mind being alone with Blaine, it's just nice to have that little extra hand. 

"I'm sorry I have to leave" Sebastian sighs.

"It's fine, Bas, I mean I'll call Santana and ask her if she doesn't mind helping me for the first couple of days or something"

"Just don't worry about it, ok?" I hug him.

"We'll be just fine"

It was soon the day for Sebastian to leave. He was packing the rest of his things whilst I got Blaine dressed into some grey Mickey Mouse trousers with the matching black and grey long sleeve vest and then his Mickey Mouse socks. We soon hear a car horn and realised it was Santana. We rush out the door with Blaine in his car seat and get in. Santana said she'll take us because she asked if it was ok if she could stay for a little while so Blaine could have some company.

"You two just know how to dress these kids, huh?" Sebastian chuckles.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because Britt's in a Minnie Mouse outfit and Blaine's in a Mickey Mouse outfit" he explains.

We soon reach the airport and we all get out and head in with Sebastian so we could say goodbye

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We soon reach the airport and we all get out and head in with Sebastian so we could say goodbye.

"Now you mister, you need to behave while I'm gone, ok? And you need to look out for dada, got it?" Bas gives Blaine a 'pep' talk. I just roll my eyes but smile anyway.

"We'll be fine"

"I love you" he hugs me as I hug him back.

"I love you too" we soon say goodbye and reassure him that we'll be fine, but boy was I wrong. As soon as Sebastian walked to the gates, Blaine started crying.

"A baba" he tries to reach for him.

"I'll be back soon, I love you" he shouts down.

"Baba!" He cries.

"Oh boy, this is going to be a loooong week" I say to San as we make our way out.

"We should have done this whilst he was asleep"

"Yeah, totally, look, Blaine, look at the planes" I say to him as I point to the sky.

"A baba" he sobs into my shoulder. We soon get back in the car and I managed to somehow get Blaine in his seat and we soon head home. Blaine soon settled down and we think he might have fell asleep.

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