Meeting Mummy

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Today me and my family are going to go see Blaine's mum as he hasn't seen her in awhile and I'm hoping he remembers and the ride goes well, because its a 2 hour drive. I packed Blaine's changing bag, making sure it has his comfortable clothes and his pyjamas with plenty other stuff that he is going to need.

"Ok let's get you cleaned up and into your smart clothes mister" I say as I take Blaine out of his high chair and upstairs where he is going to have a bath. I made sure all the upstairs doors were closed except his, because now that Blaine can walk he can get into everything and anything when you leave the doors open.

"Go play" I tell him as I set him down on the floor and I head into his bathroom to start the bath.

"Blaine!" I call out.

"Daddy wook" he says as he walks in and shows me one of his toys.

"Yeah, wow" I say pretending to be interested.

"Now come on bath time" I say and start to strip him and put him in the bath. I wash his hair and body, before getting him out and quickly wrapping him up into a towel and onto his changing table where I dry him off and put his nappy on. I put on his smart trousers and a smart shirt, I tried to tuck it in but Blaine was having none of it.

"Come on Blaine" I say as I try and tuck in the shirt.

"No daddy" he whined.

"Fine, fine, i'll leave it untucked" I sighed and finished of getting Blaine ready.

"Lets go" I say and pick him up and carry him downstairs. I made sure to also pack a high chair and his bouncy chair incase he gets tired. We all head out to the cars, we were taking two as it might be a bit squishy with Blaine's car seat in.

"Daddy 'pad?" Blaine asks as I put him in.

"Hang on then" I tell him as I get it out and put it on a kids programme.

"Fank ou daddy" Blaine lisps around his dummy, not really paying attention as he was to engrossed in the programme. I give Blaine everything he needs incase he falls asleep, which he probably will, and close his door. I get in and we head to the Anderson household.

"Daddy 'mal" Blaine gasps as he points to the screen.

"Yeah baby" I chuckle.

"We are not getting that the whole way are we?" Finn asks.

"No, he'll probably fall asleep soon" I chuckle.

"Good" Finn joked.

Half way through the ride, Blaine was asleep and the iPad was making its way out of Blaine's hand as he had his arm out still holding the iPad.

"Finn, can you get the iPad please?" I asked quietly.

"Sure" he says and turns slightly in his seat to get it. He carefully, but slowly takes it out of Blaine's hand, trying not to disturb him. He successfully got it but...

Blaine stirred as he felt his hand being moved, he opened his eyes a little bit, so they were squinting, looked around then turned his head so it was facing the window, before going back to sleep.

"Phew" me and Finn said at the same time. We finally got there after 2 hours of driving.

"Can you guys get some of his stuff please?" I ask Finn and my parents.

"Sure" I go to Blaine's door and open it. I unbuckle him and carefully get him out. He made a whiney/crying noise in his sleep, but rubbed his eyes.

"Shhh" I soothed as I rub his back.

"Ready?" I ask them.

"Yeah" we walk up to the door and knock.

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