Flying - Part 3

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Today is the day we fly, although it's about an hour flight, we decided to fly. We haven't told Blaine yet as we are waiting for Santana and Brittany to turn up as we won't be leaving till 7pm and we want Britt to tell Blaine.

"Daddy 'en Bwitt 'et 'ere" Blaine whined.

"In a little while sweetie" I tell him for like the millionth time.

"Nooooo" Blaine whined.

"Why don't we play outside while Grandad packs the car?" I suggest.

"No" Blaine huffs. 'Nap time' I thought as I walk in to the kitchen to make him a bottle.

"Come on" I say and pick him up.

"Get some sleep" I soothe as I rub his chest lightly while he falls asleep with his bottle and hopefully San and Britt will get here while he's sleeping. An hour later the car was packed and Britt and San were here, Blaine was finally awake.

"Bwaine" Britt squealed as Blaine squealed Britt.

"Bwitt" they hugged each other.

"We go Disney'and" Britt cheers as she pronounces the word Disneyland really well.

"She pronounced that really well" I say slightly shocked as I looked at Santana.

"She did didn't she?" Looking slightly shocked herself.

"Daddy, 'e go Disneh'an'?" Blaine asks.

"Then you get Blaine" I chuckled.

"Aww, yeah but he is younger than Brittany" San says.

"Well yeah"

"Daddy" he whined, wanting me to give him an answer.

"Yes baby we are"

"Yay" he shouted out of excitement. Britt and Blaine then hugged each other with Britt wrapping her arms around his neck and his arms around her waist, but how little kids do it. Britt hugged a bit to hard and start to fall on Blaine, but they both ended up on their butts, giggling.

"Britt, be careful sweetie, Blaine's a bit younger than you ok?" Santana tells her after she gasped when she saw that something could of happened if that didn't end well.

"Sowwy" she whispers.

"It's ok, just be a bit more careful ok baby?" she says and kisses her forehead, which makes her smile.

"Right we need to keep Blaine awake until we are at least waiting for the plane" I say to everyone and its a good thing Blaine doesn't understand most stuff.

"Lets order some pizza" San says.

"Ok" we agree. We ordered the pizza while the kids played and we sat at the table to have an 'adult conversation' about the trip.

"Muuuuummmmmmmyyyyyy" Brittany shouted through the house as she came walking in.

"Baby don't shout please" San tells her.


"It's ok baby, don't get upset, now what did you want to tell mummy sweet pea?" she asks her.

"Potty" she says.

"Ill be back in a sec" she says and takes Britt's hand.

"It's fine, I'm gonna check on Blaine anyway" I tell her and we both leave the room.

"Baby, shall we get you ready for dinner?" I ask him.

"E pwaying doe daddy" he whined.

"Britt is being a good girl and getting ready for her dinner" I lie.

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