Packing and Suspious - Part 2

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Today was the day we start to pack, we have 2 days left and tomorrow morning is when we get to tell Blaine the news, it's been hard trying not to say anything in front of him, but we made it.

"Daddy?" I hear Blaine call from the hall way. At the moment I'm in his room, packing his stuff, but making sure I leave stuff out for either last minute or for the next two days.

"Daddy" Blaine squealed as he saw me.

"Hey baby" I kiss his cheek as he sat on my lap.

"'Daddy weaving?" he starts to tear up.

"No, no baby, um, we are staying over at Puck's house for a little while, ok?" I make a quick lie on the spot.

"Yay" he cheers. I finish packing his stuff then I will pack last minute things in a back pack to have on the plane with us.

"Daddy has to do his now" I tell him.

"E 'elp?" he asks and I knew he was going to ask that, although he will probably only look through my clothes and comment which clothes he likes.

"Sure, lets go" we go into my room and I sit him on my bed, before opening my wardrobe doors.

"Dat on' an' dat on' daddy" he says and points to a random shirt and jeans.

"Um, how about you play on the iPad?" I ask him.

"Eah daddy pwease" he squeals.

"Ok, here you go" I say and put a baby programme on.

"Fank 'ou" he lisps around his dummy. I start to pack my stuff carefully and neatly. Dad and Carole would probably share so will Finn and Rachel and Santana and Brittany will probably have their own so that will be 6 suitcases all together.

"Done" I announce.

"Daddy pway ow?" he asks.

"Sure baby, daddy could use a break" I say and take him downstairs to play.

"Can daddy make a quick call with Santana and Brittany?" I ask him.

"E spweak?" he asks.

"Um, hang on a minute baby" I chuckle nervously and leave the room when he wasn't looking.


"Yeah kiddo?"

"I did a stupid thing and asked Blaine if I could call Brittany and Santana and he wants to speak to Brittany" I sigh.

"Um, ok, ill go distract him then come back so he can speak to Brittany or make up an excuse or something" dad says before leaving the room to play with Blaine.

"Hey Santana, do you and baby Brittany want to come to Disneyland?" I whisper Disneyland, quietly and hoping that it can be baby Brittany just for Blaine.

"Ok cool, um we haven't told Blaine yet, but we're telling him tomorrow and we leave in 2 days" I tell.

"Ok, love you too Britt, bye" I chuckle at Brittany. 'Shoot, Blaine wanted to talk' I then thought.

"E spweak 'ow?" Blaine asks after I walk into the living room.

"Um, Britt's a little sick sweetie, so Aunty San had to go as she threw up, sorry baby" I soothe.

"Bu...bu 'e 'anna spweak 'o Bwitt" he sobs.

"Sorry sweetie, but she was sick" I lied.

"AAAHHH" he sobbed.

"Dad, can you ma-

"On it" he says and goes into the kitchen.

"Come on" I soothe as I rock him.


"I know, I know" I soothe as I rub his back up and down.


"Thanks" I say and head up stairs.

"Here baby" I say and pop the bottle in his mouth.

"There we go" I say and rock him on the chair. Once he was asleep, I put him in his crib with a dummy and everything before leaving the room.

"I think we should let Brittany tell Blaine" dad suggests quietly.

"Yeah, that would be nice" I say. It was now just after dinner time and Blaine was just very crazy today, he was jumping off the walls and everything.

"What are you doing?" I chuckle as he was randomly running around the garden.

"Daddy, e win der 'ace" he shouts.


"Hey" Finn pops out.


"Blaine's a bit hyped, don't ya think?" he asks.

"Yeah, I know"

"Yay, 'e 'on, 'e 'on" Blaine cheers.

"Daddy, 'e 'on" he says a bit out of breath.

"Tired?" Finn smirks.

"Eah, daddy ni-ni" he whines and puts his hands in the air to be picked up.

"Lets get you to bed then mister" I say and head inside to sort him out.

"Say night everyone" I say as I grab the bottle out of Finn's hand.

"Ni-ni" he yawns. I take Blaine up and put him in a clean nappy and pyjamas, I lie him in his crib with everything he needs, before saying night and heading out and downstairs.

"I just can't wait" I say excitedly, once I knew Blaine was out of ear shot.

"Thanks dad" I say sincerely.

"What for?"

"For giving us this opportunity, I mean not many people go and I really appreciate this moment in going" I explain.

"No problem kiddo" he says and we hug.

"I better head to bed anyway, I don't know what sort of night Blaine is going to give me tonight" I sigh.

"Just hope it's not too bad" dad chuckles.


"Night buddy" he says. I head upstairs and check on Blaine, who was fully asleep, I then change into my pyjamas and head to bed.

(A/N: I will make them live in London, UK. I do not live in London, but I do live in the UK. They will fly to Disneyland Paris, I've never been, so ill just make up what I think, sorry)

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