Birthday Boy!!!

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Today it's Blaine's '1st' (18) birthday and I wanted to get him out of the house for a little while so I can decorate the house.

(A/N: I'll put Pam in here, although Blaine does not remember her at this time or the New Directions)

"You going with grandma and grandpa Blaine?" I ask him, although he can only speak a few words at the moment.


"Here you go" I say to my parents and they take him out of the house. I then start to get everything out of the cupboards.

"Finn! they're gone, you can come and help me now" I shouted up the stairs and next thing I know his door is opening and he shoots down the stairs.

"You can put up the banners as you're tall enough" I smirk and hand him the banners.

"Haha" he chuckles, but starts to put them up. We start to put up the banners, balloons and all the food out for everyone.

Later on, everyone decided to show up and Carole texted that they are on their way home and that she will let us know when she is just outside the house.

"How is he?" Sam asked.

"He's doing ok, I guess, I mean he just learnt a few words"

"Wow, well at least he's progressing ok"

"Yeah" I sighed. As soon as he was about to say something, my phone buzzed with a text from Carole and then we heard a car door go.

"Everybody, get down and hide" I shout-whispered and we all got down. I heard the door open and Blaine calling out.


"Surprise!" everyone shouted and jumped up from where they were hiding.

"Yay" Blaine cheered and clapped his hands.

"Hey baby" I cooed and took him out of Carole's arms.

"Wook" he says and shows me some toys he got.

"Did grandma and grandpa spoil you?" I say giving them a look.

"What? it's the kids birthday, you've got to let me spoil someone as you won't let me do it, neither Finn" dad says. There was suddenly a knock at the door and dad answered.

"Hey everyone" a girly voice said.'Pam' I thought.

"Where's my baby?" she asks as she comes through after my dad let her in.

"Dada" Blaine cried, once he saw her.

"It's ok, look she's got presents" I say and try to cheer him up a bit.

"Me?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah sweetie, each and everyone of them" Pam says before I could of even speak.


"Later sweetie"

"Dada" he whines.

"Dad, did birthday boy have a sleep in the car?"

"Um, no"

"Ok, let's go have a nap" I say and take the bottle of my dad.

"Ill just go settle him down" I say to everyone and head upstairs. I sit in the rocking chair and cradle him before giving him a bottle.

Once he was asleep, I lie him in his crib and made sure he was settled down before leaving and heading out.

"I'm sorry he doesn't remember you, Pam" I sigh as I sat down and saw her small sad smile.

"It's ok, I understand, its hard knowing that my ex-husband beat up my own son and its been a whole year as him being a baby" she says and let a few tears go as so did I.

"Ex? you got a divorce?" I say trying to get the idea of Blaine and her ex-husband out of our heads.

"Yeah, I can't marry and live with a guy like that so I got a divorce" she smiles a bit.

"Well, I'm happy and proud of you" I smile and side hug her.

"I'm proud of you to, for looking after my son"

"No problem". An hour later, Blaine woke up.

"Hey baby" I cooed as I picked him up and lie him on his changing table and change his nappy.

"Want some lunch?" I ask him as I walk down the stairs.

"Eah" he yawns.

"Ok" I put him in his high chair and put a bib on before sitting down after grabbing a plate full of food for Blaine to eat.

"Here, ill feed him, you get your lunch" dad says and boots me out of the way.

"What about you?" I ask.

"I've already had mine" he says.

"Oh ok" I say and go get myself lunch, which was just party food. After lunch we all decided to go out to the back garden, which was also decorated.

"Baby go play" I tell him and he crawls to the little playground we have in the garden.

"I can't believe it's been a whole year with Blaine like this, it's just really weird, you know, I'm now just getting used to this whole thing about him being a baby" I sigh as I sat down next to my dad.

"You're not the only one, Kurt, you're not the only one, besides where is Blaine?" dad asks.

"Over there and by the looks of it he is making me a smelly present" I point to the deck table where he was just standing up and holding on tight with a red face.

"You making daddy a present sweetie?" I call from where I sat.

"No" he says and then crawls off.

"Blaine, come here" I shout out. I ran after him and he crawled faster as he giggled.

"You cheeky monkey, you" I chuckle as I picked him up and took him inside to change his bum.

"All nice and clean" I announce as I came back out with a clean Blaine.

"Now you can play with a nice clean bum" I say to Blaine as I placed him on the floor. Once the party is nearly over, Blaine opened all his presents and now it was time for cake after he thanked everyone.

"Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Blaine
Happy birthday to youuuuu" we all sang to him and he tried to blow out the candles.

"Dada" he whined in my arms.

"Here, ill help" I say and he blows thinking that he did it when it was actually me.

"Yay" we all cheered and clapped.

"Here, Cedes will hold you? if that's ok" I ask her.

"Sure" she says and takes Blaine out of my arms.

"Daddy's going to cut the cake ok" I tell him. I cut the cake giving birthday boy his first then everyone else before having a slice myself. It was then time for everyone to leave and I put Blaine to bed, glad that he had a great day.

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