Blaine starts to get sick

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I can tell Blaine is starting to get sick he tends to not eat much, he keeps coughing till he gags but no sick just yet, he doesn't play much and just wants cuddles and he also likes to cling to me whenever he is sick he likes to just cling to you just for a bit of attention and affection, also he sleeps quite a lot.

"Blaine sweetie eat your breakfast" I say as I finish mine already.

"No daddy no hunsy" he mumbles.

"Come on sweetheart you have to eat something" I tell him.

"No me wan cuddles" he whines then starts to cough. I sigh and get the washing up bowl and put it in front of him incase he starts throwing up. I stay there for a couple minutes just rubbing his back until his coughing dies down.

"Your not well are you huh?" I say to him.

"Icky daddy!" he says and lies his head back against the chair. He starts to fall asleep in his chair without a bottle or his dummy not even his blankie. I recline his chair slightly and just let him fall asleep in his chair. I clean the kitchen while he's asleep and call Carole.

"Hey sweetie is everything alright?" She says down the phone.

"Not really" I sigh.

"Oh what's wrong?"

"Blaine, he's sick, not sick sick but sick"

"What's wrong with him?"

"He keeps sleeping, he has hardly ate anything and he will cough until he gags"

"Has he got a temperature?"

"I haven't checked"

"Can you check it please?"

"Ok just let me get the thermometer" I say and go get the baby thermometer.

"Shall I wake him up?" I ask her.


"Ok let me put you on loud speaker a sec" I say and put loud speaker on.

"Blaine? can you wake up for me just for a minute?" I tell him and shake him a little bit.

"No daddy 'ired" he says and starts to cry.

"I know baby I'm sorry I just want to check to see if you have a temperature" I say and try to put the thermometer in his mouth but he was having none of it.

"Kurt? do you have the ear thermometer?" I hear Carole say.

"I think so hang on" I say and quickly get the ear one and manage to put it in his ear, I waited until it beeped I look at it and it reads 101.5.

"What is it at?"

"101.5" I sigh.

"Oh if it gets any higher bring him in, but try and give him a mild bath and make sure to give him some medicine, also try and keep his temp low and make sure to try and give him lots of fluids" Carole says down the phone.

"Thank you so much Carole I owe you" I say to her.

"No need to see you later bye"

"Bye" I say and hang up. Blaine fell asleep again so I decided to call Finn and dad to let them know that Blaine was starting to get sick and be quiet when they come home because he might be asleep.
I decide to run Blaine a bath before he gets to bad with his sickness. I go downstairs and pick Blaine up and he doesn't even stir, I take him upstairs and lay him on his changing table and undress him.

I put Blaine in the bath and he immediately wakes up like he has been electrocuted.

"It's alright calm down its just a bath" I soothe.

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