Bad News

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1:34am. I got a phone call. It was Wes.

"Hello?" I whisper because Sebastian and Blaine were asleep next to me in the bed with me.

"Hey Kurt, this is an emergency, do you think you can come down here?" I hear Wes, it sounded like he was crying.

"Sure, what's up? Is that sirens in the background?" I gasp but then go quiet because Blaine stirred.

"You'll see when you get here" he sniffles.

"Ok, I'll be as quick as I can" I tell him as I quickly but quietly get out of the bed and try and look a bit better.

"Ok, bye" we hang up and I get myself dressed. With all the shuffling, Sebastian woke up.

"Hey, where you goin'?" He whispers as he tries to wake up.

"I've got to go to Dalton, Wes called, there's an emergency and I could hear sirens in the background, I've gotta go" I rush out to him.

"I'll go with you" he says as he gets out of bed and starts to get dressed.

"What about Blaine? I don't know what time we'll be back" I say as I quickly find Blaine's dummy somewhere on the bed and pop it back in his mouth.

"What about Santana's?" He asks. I debated the question because dad and Carole had work in the early hours of the morning and Finn always needs his sleep and I don't really want Blaine to see Finn and Rachel make out.

"I suppose so, I'll just have to owe her somehow" I quickly call Santana with an apology and I told her I'll be over as soon as possible. I pack Blaine a bag full of clothes, dummies, nappies, sippy cups, bottles and even extra clothes just in case. I carefully change Blaine's nappy while Sebastian went and did a bottle, I pick Blaine up and put one of his blankets around him before carrying him out to the car.

"Hmm" he stirs in his sleep as he shuffles around before settling back down. Sebastian soon comes out with Blaine's bottle and tells me he wrote a note so everyone knew where we were. Blaine spits his dummy out and starts to whine.

"Are you ok to sit in the back and feed him his bottle?" I ask Bas.

"Sure" we soon get in and I make our way to Santana's.

"Hey, I'm so sorry to wake you but there's an emergency at Dalton and you were the only option for Blaine" I explain to her while Sebastian got Blaine out.

"No problem, I was about to wake up anyway, I needed a drink" she said.

"Ok, here he is" I say as Sebastian had Blaine laid down in his arms.

"Here you go" Bas says as he carefully moved Blaine into Santana's arms.

"Do you have anything I could lay him in?" She asks.

"Ur yeah I think so" I go to the back of the car and pull out a portable crib. We soon get Blaine settled before thanking Santana and leaving.

"I hope this isn't too bad, I just hope someone has broken a bone or something" I say to Bas as I now start to worry.

"It's gonna be ok, we have that choir room thing today anyway, that should be fun" Sebastian tries to cheer me up.

"Thanks for the reminder" after nearly an hour later, we were there and it wasn't a pretty sight.

Dalton Academy was on FIRE!!!

"Oh my god" I start to cry as I sat in the car, watching the place burn, quite a lot of students and teachers were out.

"This is the place Blaine and I first met, we met on the stairs and he showed me around" I sob.

"Aww baby" Bas coos as he rubs my back up and down.

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