Ignored by Daddy

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Ever since Beth has been born, Blaine has been ignored for the whole 2 weeks and Burt has noticed this, but didn't want to say anything in front of Kurt as all the glee girls are here and cooing over Beth.

"Daddy?" Blaine calls out and runs over to Kurt.

"What do you want Blaine?" Kurt snaps.

"Me hungy" he whispers.

"Well you'll have to wait then won't you?" he snaps again and turns his attention to Beth. This is also another thing Burt has noticed, Kurt is hardly feeding Blaine and when Burt tries to at least feed Blaine, Kurt tells him off for stealing Burt's food and lately Blaine has been getting no naps, which means that he is grumpy most of the time.

"Daddy pwease" he whines.

"No Blaine" he says sternly and pushes him slightly and Blaine runs off, crying. Blaine had no one to run to for comfort as Burt and Carole were at work and Finn was with the boys at Pucks house.

"Aww she is so cute" Blaine hears his daddy cooing and speaking calmly to the little girl. Blaine kept on crying and crying. He needed a nappy change so he went to try and ask Kurt again.

"Daddy? me 'eed appy 'ange" he says.

"Blaine, you are getting on my nerves, now sit here and be good and shut up, i'll come get you when I'm ready" Kurt says annoyed with Blaine.

"Daddy pwease" Blaine sobs.

"Daaaaddddyyyy!" Blaine whines, wanting his daddy, but his daddy chose to ignore him. It was now lunch time and way past Blaine's nap time and he was still in time out for no reason at all. Even the glee girls didn't even notice as they walk by.

"May I feed her?" Blaine hears his daddy coo over her. Blaine started to sob again. As it was a Saturday, Burt finished work early so he came home to a sobbing Blaine in time out, knowing that Blaine had probably done nothing wrong. Burt walks over to Blaine and picks him up.

"Hey kiddo" he whispers.

"Gwanpa" he whispers as he sniffles and hugs him tight.

"I'm here buddy, I'm here" he says and rubs his back up and down.

"Come, I bet your hungry huh?" he asks and could feel Blaine nod into his shoulder as he walked into the kitchen, giving his son dirty looks.

"And what is he doing out of time out, may I ask?" Kurt glares at his father.

"Maybe it's the fact that you probably have left him there for no entire reason and forgot about him" his father countered.

"Whatever" he says and goes back to Beth.

"At least I care buddy" Burt whispers into Blaine's ear. He gets Blaine's lunch and takes him into the living room and sets him on the sofa to watch some cartoons, he sits down with him. After Blaine ate his lunch and played for a little while, Burt looked at the time and realised he had errands to do.

"Buddy I gotta go do some errands ok, i'll be back in a little while" Burt explains to Blaine, but Blaine just cried, which Burt knew it would happen.

"Me 'ome?" he asks hopefully.

"Sorry buddy" he say sympathetically.

"Pwease" he sobs, hoping he could go.

"I know, I know" he soothes. He stands up and kisses Blaine on the head goodbye and knew as soon as he left Kurt would hear him cry and leave him in time out.

"Blaine!" he warned.

"If you don't shut up this instant, you're going to time out" he warns again. Blaine tried to be quiet but he couldn't, so Kurt came storming in and Blaine tried to scurry away.

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