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"Daddy 'ilk?" Blaine asks me.

"You want milk now sweetheart?" I ask him confused because its not even his nap yet.

"Eah pwease daddy" he says.

"Ok then let go get you one" I say and stand up from the couch.

"No you 'ilk!" he whines.

"You want me to drink it?" I ask confused again.

"No you 'ilk" he says and points to my chest.

"Oh... oh you want me to feed you from my nipple?" I ask and he nods.

"Ummm baby I...i um you see I can't do that baby, I have to take some sorta pill" I explain to him.

"Daddy 'ake 'ill?" he asks.

"Ummm ill see baby"

Once Blaine was down for a nap, I went to talk to my dad and Carole.

"Dad? Carole? can I speak to you guys for a moment?" I ask as we all sit at the table.

"Sure sweetie what is it?"

"It's just that earlier on Blaine asked me for milk, but not what he has, he asked for my milk" I explain.

"Well what do you want to do?" My dad asks.

"I dunno, I mean I want to try it but what would I have to do?"

"Oh I hade to take a lactation pill when I tried with Finn, but I gave up in the end"

"Shall I try it?" I ask.

"If you want to" my dad shrugs.

"Well I'm now going to the store if you want me to get you some?" Carole asks and I sit there thinking for a moment.

"Yes please" I say.

"Ok I won't be long bye" she says and walks out of the door.

She finally came back and Blaine was awake and playing with his toys so I picked Blaine up and take him to his room but telling everyone to stay out till I'm finished.

"Daddy me no 'eed 'appy 'ange" he whines.

"That's not we are in here for" I tell him and sit down on the rocking chair getting me and Blaine situated before I take the pill and lift up my shirt.

"Here Blaine" I say and he starts to suck my nipple making cute suckling noises.

"You're such a good boy you know that?" I tell him and he just smiles behind my nipple. Once he was done a put a burp towel on my shoulder so if any milk came up it wouldn't be on me as it also goes down part of the back. I sit Blaine up and start patting his back gently until he burps.

"That's a good boy" I praise as I bring him back down.

"Were you a bit sick sweetie?" I ask him as he had evidence that he had by the way his lips had milk around his mouth. He nods a 'yes', so I clean him up and it all got onto the burp towel which was good. Once I finished cleaning Blaine up I walk out of the room and down the stairs.

I place Blaine on the floor and head to the kitchen with the towel to be washed.

"So how'd it go?" my dad asks from where he was sitting.

"It went great actually" I tell him as I place the towel in the washing machine.

"I think I'm going to try that a bit more often" I say as I sit down.

5 hours later and it was now dinner time.

"You've already made a mess you silly boy" I chuckle as Blaine had some food in his hair all the way to his shorts. Once dinner was done, I took Blaine's clothes off and put them straight into the washing machine then bathed him.

"You want some more milk baby before bedtime?" I ask him as I put his pyjama shirt on.

"Eah!" he lisps tiredly around his dummy.

"Lets say night to everyone then" I say and take him down stairs to say night to everyone then head back up and positioned my self and Blaine. I took my shirt off and Blaine immediately sucked straight away on it. He soon fell asleep, so I quickly swapped my nipple for a dummy then put him to bed making sure to turn on the monitor and mobile the closing the door leaving it open a crack ten going to bed myself.

Infantilism BlaineWhere stories live. Discover now