Ellen Degeneres

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When the car accident happened, someone in my family emailed Ellen how Blaine was brave enough to sit in a car for nearly over an hour and managed to call my dad. So today me and Blaine are going on The Ellen Show.

"You excited baby?" I ask him as I got excited.

"Eah daddy" he cheered and clapped his hands.

"You excited to meet Ellen?" I asked him.

"Eah an 'e 'ay 'ello" he says and I chuckle, but miss out the part where it's in front of loads of people, because it will just get him all worked up.

"Come on, let's get going" I say as I finish sorting his changing bag out.

"I won't be back until tonight, so ill see you later"


"Have fun"

"See ya sweetie"

"Bye-bye" Blaine waves and gets byes back.

"Come on, let's get in the taxi"



"In we go" I say as I lifted him in and buckled him up.

"Good boy" I praise as he sat down nicely and because we are in a taxi, I didn't bother with Blaine's car seat and its the first time I put him in without a car seat.

"Where you off to?" he asks.

"Ellen Degeneres Studio please" I say as he heads off and we start making conversation while I watch Blaine as well with the seat belt.

"Here, you want this?" I ask him if he wants his sippy cup.

"Fank 'ou" he says and gently pries it out of my hands. We were half way there and Blaine started to whine.

"Daddy" he started to sob.

"You getting tired?"

"Eah" he cries as he rubbed his eyes.

"Hang on then, let daddy get it out" I soothe.

"AAAHHH" he sobbed as he thrashed a little bit in his seat.

"Baby, calm down" I tried to soothe. I make him a bottle and gave him the bottle.

"There you go" I soothed as he started to fall asleep. The taxi finally gets to The Ellen Show Studio, once we get there Blaine was still asleep, so I carried him backstage with the changing bag.

"Thank you, bye"

"Bye" he says and drives off.

"Hey Ellen" I say.

"Hi, how y'all doin'?" she asks.

"Good, good" I nod my head with a smile.

"I see he don't like my studio or show interesting" she jokes and we both laugh.

"Daddy" we both then hear Blaine whine as he woke up.

"Hey cutie" Ellen says and Blaine turns his head towards her and then sobs into my shoulder.

"No, I don't like me either" she jokes again and Blaine giggles.

"Ah there's that smile" she cooes.

"The team and I need to get ready, so if you also want to get ready that would be fab" she says.

"Is Blaine coming on stage?" I asked.

"Um if he wants to"

"You wanna come on stage with your daddy?" Ellen asks Blaine and he just nods.

Infantilism BlaineWhere stories live. Discover now