Interviews and The Court Room - Part 3

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(A/N: I will just say I don't know much about courts and all that other stuff, but this is FAN FICTION, so it's just made up stuff and I do know that)

Today Bas and I have to go to an interview, Blaine was supposed to go to Santana's but she had to cancel last minute as Brittany was acting up and she couldn't sort her out, which I understood and everyone else is working so I had no choice but to take him with us.

"Alright, let's go get this over with" I sigh as I finish putting Blaine dribble bib on. He wore a short sleeved 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' all in one with a matching bib.

"We ready?" Bas comes in

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"We ready?" Bas comes in.

"Yeah" I say as I pick Blaine up. We head down and Sebastian grabs Blaine's bag before we head out to the car, I place Blaine in before getting in myself and then Sebastian afterward. Sebastian then drives down to the station.

"Gosh, I'm so nervous" I say as we pull up.

"Hey, it's ok, we've just got to be honest and just tell them what's happened" Bas tries to reassure me.

"You're right" I get out and get Blaine out with him still in his car seat.

"This really isn't a place for babies" I say as we walk up some steps.

"Hi, you guys must be Kurt and Sebastian, yes?" The man behind the desk asks.

"Urr yeah, how'd you guess?" Sebastian asks, just as confused as I am.

"Well, you have a baby and we've heard some reports of a man" he says.

"Oh right, yeah that's us"

"Ok, if you'd like to take a seat, someone should be with you soon" he smiles at us.

"Thank you" we take a seat and Blaine already gets fussy.

"Ok mister" Sebastian coos as he gets Blaine out. We wait awhile until someone calls us.

"Is it ok if he sits with us?" I ask as they lead us to a room.

"We don't usually but because he's been quiet this whole walk down, we'll allow" a woman smiles at us.

"Thank you" we sit in a room and begin to get interviewed and just as we were about to finish up, Blaine started fussing.

"Hey, shh shh shh" I whisper to Blaine as I tried to settle him.

"A dada" he squeals. Sebastian playfully so rolls his eyes and grabs some plastic keys out of the bag.

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