Safety and Park Fairground

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Today there is a small park fairground in town and me and my family as well as the New Directions are going. The town is only a 20 minute walk and we are going to go a little earlier as I wanted to get Blaine some goodies and snacks as the festival goes on quite late.

"You excited baby?" I ask Blaine.

"Eah daddy, me 'ave fun" he cheered.

"Ok then" I chuckle. A little while later Blaine came running up to me.

"What's wrong sweetie?" I ask as I rub the back of his head.

"Ilk" he whispers.

"Go to the sofa and i'll be there in a sec ok" I instruct him.

"No, 'ome wif" he whines.

"Blaine, I will be there in a second ok, I need to do something" I tell him.

"No" he cries and lifts up his arms, I pick him up and he cuddles me.

"Better?" I ask him.

"Mmm" he nods into my shoulder. I take the pill and go sit down with the family.

"You don't mind know?" I say as I look at my dad.

"No go ahead, I take it someone is hungry" he replies.


"Baby sit up please" I tell him and he sits up, I reposition him into a lying position and lift up my shirt, the second it shoo my nipple, he went straight for it.

"Woah baby, slow down" I remind him.

"Yep definitely hungry" dad chuckles.

"Yeah I know" Blaine sighed in content as he got his milk. Blaine fell asleep against me with his mouth still round my nipple.

"Dad can you pass me his dummy please?"

"Sure" he says and passes it to me. I move Blaine a little, away from my nipple.

"Mmm" he stirs.

"Shhh shhh" I shush him as I put the dummy in his mouth and rock him back and forth a little. I put him in his bouncy chair and wait till he gets comfortable enough so I could strap him up.

While Blaine was asleep, I was sorting his changing bag out and making sure I had enough things for him and then everyone started to show up as we were all going to walk together into town.

"Hey everyone" I say as they were all getting out of there cars.

"Hey" most of them called back.

"Where's Britt and San?" I ask.

"They're meeting us there" Quinn says.

"Oh ok"

"When you guys get in, can you please be quiet because Blaine's asleep"

"Yeah" they called back.

"Thanks" I say as everyone bundles in the house. We all talked for awhile, before everyone started to get ready to go, I went to the kitchen to go get Blaine's stuff when I hear my name being called.

"Urrrr Kurt? the baby's waking up" I hear Sam call.

"Well don't just stand there" I hear Mercedes say and then a cry. A minute later Mercedes came in with Blaine, who was still crying.

"Well hello handsome" I coo.

"Daddy" he cried as he made grabby hands toward me.

"Come here" I say as I take him from Mercedes.

Infantilism BlaineWhere stories live. Discover now