Kurt's Trip to New York

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In a few days, I go to New York for a very special meeting. I will go Friday night and come home at some point on Monday. Blaine will be staying here Friday until Sunday morning and then go to Sebastian's Sunday to Monday as Burt and Carole will go to work and Finn will probably just go to Rachel's to snog each other's faces off. Blaine is still yet to know where I am going but that probably won't be until Friday night where they all come to say goodbye at the airport. At the minute, I'm in my room, trying to figure out how many pairs of each clothing I need, including when I shower and comfy clothes for the journey there and back.

"Daddy" Blaine cheers as he comes running in with his arms in the air.

"Hey sweetheart" I coo as he came and sat on my lap.

"Hey babe" Sebastian then walks in.

"Hi" I say before he lent down and kissed me and then sat down next to me.

"Wha' 'oing?" Blaine asks me.

"Um, I'm sorting through my clothes" I lie to him. Sebastian and I then give each other a look.

"Wanna help?" I ask Blaine.

"Eah" he cheers.

"Alright, what clothes should daddy put in the suitcase so that he can take them somewhere else?" Sebastian asks Blaine.

"Dis an' dis" he says pointing to some random boxers and socks.

"Ok, that's good, daddy will need those to take to the place" Sebastian smiles at Blaine. Blaine then points to a random shirt so I decided to ask the colour of it as he only knows his blues and reds at the minute.

"What colour is that?" I ask Blaine.

"Wed" he says.

"That's green" I tell him.

"Gween" he repeats.

"Good boy" I kiss his cheek.

"'What about this one?" Sebastian says as he points to another shirt.

"Bwue" he cheers.

"Good boy, papas proud" he smiles at him.

"Papas always proud" he tells him. Blaine then looks at Sebastian and I see Sebastian's face looks like it's trying to get a closer look at something.

"What's wrong?" I ask Sebastian.

"Hang on, baby stay still" Sebastian grabs his face gently and looks at something.

"That glass has scarred his face" he says, shocked.

"Really!" I gasp.

"Papa" Blaine then whined, trying to remove his hands from his face.

"Alright, sorry baby" he kisses the top of his head.

"Baby, look at me please" I tell Blaine as I face him so that we were face to face and not back to chest.

"That has, hasn't it?" I say as I barely rub my thumb over it.

"Ow daddy" he whines as he pulls back a little.

"Sorry" I say before turning him back so that I could finish packing for this trip. I finally soon get done with packing and putting clothes back that I'm not going to take with me and also clothes that I can wear for now.

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