Introducing Blankie and visiting the Doctors

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I went out today and got Blaine a blankie for comfort whenever I'm not around, it took quite a lot of convincing for him to not come with me because it was a surprise, but I thanked Carole for distracting him and I finally managed to get out of the house.

When I got back I was greeted by Blaine.

"Daddy!" he exclaimed and crawled to me and I picked him up.

"Hey baby" I say and kiss him on the nose and take him into the kitchen.

"Daddy's got a surprise for someone" I say and put him on the counter.

"It for me?" he asks holding onto his pig.

"Of course it's for you silly"


"Close your eyes sweetheart" I tell him.

"Why?" he asks.

"Just close your eyes" I joke.

"Ok" he sighs and closes his eyes. I take the object out off the bag and put it in Blaine's hands.


"I wove it daddy" he exclaims and hugs it.

"I'm glad"

"Fank you daddy" he says and leans in for a kiss so I kiss him back.

"So what did you do while I was gone?" I say and start to unpack some food and baby stuff that I needed to get because we were kinda getting low on food and baby stuff.

"We pwayed wif blocks" he says seriously and got something out from the bag near by him.

"Did you? What did you build?" I ask him.

"A 'ouse" he says playing with the object in his hands.

"Wow how big was it?" I ask again. I always talk or ask him questions about what he did today just to keep him occupied and so he doesn't get bored.

"Urrrrrrrr 'early the 'ame 'ize a' Finn" he says then drops his milk that somehow split open and went everywhere. He started to cry.

"I sowwy daddy, it were a akkident, I sowwy" he sobs.

"Hey it's alright, we'll go back to the store later and get some more, it's ok" I reassure him as I pick him up as well as his blankie and start to rock him lightly. He held onto his blankie tightly and started to fall asleep with it.

Once Blaine was quiet I put him in his bouncy chair with his blankie snuggled against him, but this time he didn't hold onto it tightly because he was asleep. Blaine's blankie was a light green with Winnie the Pooh in one corner with Tigger.

I know how much Blaine loves Winnie the Pooh, so I found one the other day and Blaine wanted it so bad, but I didn't let him because I thought I could surprise him and I did.

Once I put Blaine in his bouncy chair, i decided to clean up the house, but not upstairs because of Blaine. A few minutes later Finn came down the stairs.

"Hey Finn" I say

"Hey bro" he replies.

"What you doing?" he asks while getting a glass off juice.

"Cleaning up while I can" I say and finish cleaning the kitchen.

"Well where's Blaine?" he says looking around.

"Asleep in his chair" I reply while getting a coffee.

"Oh mom and Burt wanted to know if you wanted to come with us to breadsticks tonight?" he asks.

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