Going Home - Part 7

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Today is the day we go home. It is late night/early morning. I quietly get out of bed, trying not to disturb anyone, I go for a quick shower incase Blaine wakes up and start crying for me once he notices that I'm not there, but thankfully he didn't and just slept through. Once I finished up, I quietly wake Santana up as she wanted me to wake her.

"San, Santana" I quietly whisper her name as I shook her lightly trying not to disturb the kids as we both wanted them to sleep in as long as possible.

"Hmm" she mumbles.

"Come on, we've got to get ready" I try again and this time she wakes up a bit more. She starts to get out of bed but Britt moves.

"Mummy" she mumbles as she turns toward us.

"Dum" she whined so Santana quickly tries to find her dummy.

"Dummy" she starts to cry and put her hands on the mattress as if she were to get up.

"Here, here, shh sweetheart, shh" Santana sat down on the bed and rubbed her back until she fell back into a proper sleep.

"I'll go shower and get ready, don't mind watching her do you?" She asks as she starts to get her stuff ready.

"No not at all, I have nothing to do except probably change Blaine's nappy before we go and also do him a bottle, did you want me to Britt a bottle as well?"

"Um yes please, that way we don't have to do it on the way down or when we're on the road, so yes thank you"

"Ok, I'll let you go shower" I say to her. She goes to the bathroom while I double check rooms, cupboards and under beds for anything that we could of missed or didn't put back into the suitcases. I decide to start doing the kids' bottles ready so that they could just go back to sleep if they woke up on the way down to the car or on the road. So all we had to do was change both nappies, put jackets on them and possibly a blanket over them to keep them all nice and cosy. Santana finished up and we all took it in turns to go down and have breakfast and making sure to pack something for the kids.

"Just need to change Brittany and Blaine and get them in to their jackets and we'll be done" Santana says to everyone. I carefully move Blaine closer to the edge of the bed and start to change his nappy. Once both nappies were done, we put their jackets on and head down. As we were heading down, Brittany woke up, Santana tried to see if she would go back to sleep but she didn't want to so when we got downstairs, San put her down and she was just running around and giggling.

"Anyone know where Britt's shoes are?" San asks.

"We packed them away, remember?" I tell her.

"Oh great" she sighs.

"Right, come on sweetie" San says as she picks her up.

"Down mummy" she whines as she wriggles in Santana's arms to get down.

"No sweetie, we are now going and your socks are going to get dirty if you walk outside" she explains.

"Noooo" she whines as she rubbed her eyes.

"Getting tired again?" I ask San.

"Mmmm" she nods.

"She'll probably sleep in the car once we get going again" dad says to her.

"Let's just hope" she responds. We walk out to the car and everyone let me and Santana put the kids in first. As soon as I went to put Blaine's arms in, he stirred so I quickly stopped what I was doing.

"Daddy" he mumbled as he shuffled in his seat. Dad quickly passed me his bottle, so I take his dummy out and quickly put the bottle in his mouth. I make sure to prop some of his blanket under neath so he doesn't have to hold it then I make sure that the rest of his blanket is wrapped round him.

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