Blaine starts to get better

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Blaine was still a little unwell, just the occasional coughing and headache really. He had stop throwing up at about 12:00 this afternoon, so that was great. But I could tell he is getting better with all the fluids he had and sleep.

"You feeling better baby?" I ask him as he sat in his high chair for a snack.

"Eah daddy, I frowed up an' go bluh bluh" he explains.

"Ok baby I got it, I don't think I needed details" I chuckle lightly. 'Yeah he's definitely better' I thought.

"Want some toast?" I offer him.

"No daddy me wan' 'gurt" he whines.

"You want yogurt?" I sigh.


"Baby I don't know, your stomach's still a bit unsettled" I explain to him.

"Gurt" he whines.

"Fine but if your sick, you want be getting anymore yogurt got it?" I ask him.

"Yes!" he cheers.

"Sit tight, daddy's gonna get you a bib ok?" I tell him.

"No daddy no" he starts to tear up and reaches out for me.

"Ok ok" I say and get him out and as soon as I held him he clung onto me as tightly as he could.

"It's alright, I've got you" I soothe.
I take him upstairs and get him a bib then put it on him. I then take him back downstairs and back in his high chair.

"What flavour do you want baby?" I ask him.

"Nana pwease"

"Sure" I say and get a banana yogurt out of the fridge. I get a chair and sit in front of him, I then feed him a spoonful of yogurt so far in case he's sick again. Thankfully he's not, he's sure definitely his self, I feed him the rest and clean him up then I put him on the living room floor with his toys while I sit on the sofa watching T.V.

"Hey is he feeling better?" Finn asks.

"Yeah fevers broke and he's not sick anymore, I think he was just complaining about a headache, but he does keep coughing still, not as bad though it's finally settled down now for him" I explain to him.

"Daddy no 'ead ache" he turns around and says.

"You have no headache sweetheart?" I ask him.

"No gone"

"Looks like he's just got a cough still then" I say very happy as his headache has gone.

"Cool what about his stomach?" he says and sits down next to me on the sofa.

"I actually don't know, baby how does your tummy feel?" I say as I lean forward to tap his shoulder.

"Ummmm huwrts a wittle bit" he says to busy playing with his toys to turn around.

"Ok" I say and lean back.

"It was obviously a small stomach flu he got then" Finn says.

"Daddy me no 'ick an'more" he turns around again.

"I know sweetie, you've just got a cough haven't you"

"No" he says confused.

"Sure you have sweetie" I tell him staring to get confused as well.

"Oh" he giggles then coughs.

"You're a silly boy today" I coo.

Blaine was playing happily with his toys until it was time for dinner.

"Come on let's get this place cleared up" I say and start helping him clear away his toys.

"No daddy me pway" he whines.

"No baby I'm sorry, but its dinner time now, you can play afterwards I promise" I say and carry on packing his toys away.

"Noooooo!" he whines again.

"Blaine you may be a little bit ill still, but I can still put you in timeout" I want him.

"Otay" he whispers and helps pack up his toys. I pick him and kiss him on the head.

"I'm very proud of you" I whisper into his hair. I put him in his high chair.

"Don't give him too much please" I tell everyone.

"Kurt I think we all know that" my dad chuckles.

"Sorry" I say a bit embarrassed. Once dinner was done, Blaine was definitely getting much better by the hour, because he was playing with Finn and his toys. An hour later it was time for Blaine's bath.

"Bath time sweetheart" I say and pick him up and take him upstairs, I could hear Finn putting the toys away. 'Typical' I thought. I run Blaine a bath and then get some pyjamas out onto his changing table and his baby supplies that I'm gonna need. Once the bath was done I strip Blaine naked and put him in his bath seat.

"Daddy owie" he complains.

"Where bubba?" I ask him.

"Dare" he says and points to his privates.

"Alright, I'll be quick" I sigh. I wash Blaine down and do his hair before getting him out and into one of his towels, then carrying him into his bedroom and getting him into pyjamas.

"All done" I say and pick him up, kissing his cheek and making him giggle.

"Lets get you a bottle, then into bed yeah?" I say as he lays his head on my shoulder sleepily.

"Eah" he lisps over his dummy I gave him after his bath. I head downstairs and do Blaine a bottle while Blaine was hugging and kissing everyone goodnight.

"Come on you" I say and pick him up then take him upstairs an into bed.

"Night sweetheart" I say and kiss him goodnight before heading out making sure his mobile and monitor is on then heading to bed my self.

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