Tantrum in the pushchair and saying a bad word

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Blaine today is in one of his funny moods again, he would one minute be happy then next a full blown tantrum.

"Hey Kurt do you think you can run some errands for me later with Carole?" my dad asks me.

"Well why can't Carole?" I say confused as I tickled Blaine on the floor.

"Because you have to drop Carole of at the hospital as her car needs more petrol, that I'm going to go fill up with a can from the shop"

"Fine and I suppose I could push Blaine in his pushchair, because I don't think he likes sitting in the trolley anyway"

"No daddy no twolley" he says starting to tear up.

"Oh no sweetheart it's fine your not going in a trolley, you'll go in your pushchair" I comfort him as I hug him.

"Otay" he sniffles and hugs me back, I kiss his head then start to tickle him again.

"Anyway I don't think I'll be home for dinner tonight as its meant to be really busy"

"Okay see you later, love you"

"Love you too kiddo"

"An' me?" Blaine asks behind his dummy.

"And you yes, I love you too" my dad chuckles.


"Anyway goodbye"

"Bye" he says as he leaves.

"What do you wanna do sweetheart?"

An hour later it was time to go.

"Go bye-bye?" Blaine asks while I put his shoes on.

"Yeah we go bye-bye for a little while"

"Kay" he says and puts his dummy in his mouth.

"Carole did you pick up the list that my dad made?" I ask her as I pick Blaine up.

"Yup and before you say anything I've got the changing bag and the pushchair is in the car" she smiles.

"Thanks" I tell her.

"Shall we lock up and head out then"

"Totally" I say as I lock up.

"Come on, let's go do some errands for grandpa" I tell Blaine as I stick him in his car seat.

"Yeah!" he cheers and puts his arms in the air. I chuckle at his enthusiasm.

"You're a silly boy!" I coo and kiss his head and shutting the door but before that I give him his blankie, monkey, dummy and sippy cup full of juice. Then I get in and start heading to the shops. Once we were there Carole got out and started to set the pushchair up so I could get Blaine out.

"In we go" I say in a silly voice as I put him in and he laughs.

"Is that funny? is that funny?" I say as I tickle him once I strapped him in.

"Daddy! 'top!" he giggles.

"Come on let's get grandpas errands" I say and grab hold of the pushchair and head into the shop.

An hour later we were nearly done, we just had one more thing to get, which was in the sweet isle, 'just great' I thought. The reason we had to go down the sweet isle is because dad wanted to try and make a sweet cake for no apparent reason.

"Oh Carole, we're gonna have to go down the sweet isle and I know what mister here is going to be like" I whine to her and she chuckles.

"Well you're just going to have to say 'no' Kurt even if you can't say so to those cute adorable eyes of his, but he's gonna have to learn sorry" she says sympathetically.

"You're right" I sigh and we head to the sweet isle, preparing for what's going to happen next, he was happy at the moment babbling away to himself and now that's going to ruin everything. We get down there and....

"Daddy me 'ave 'weets pwease?" he asks innocently, but I don't look into his eyes.

"No not today sweetheart" I tell him softly while looking at what kind of sweets my dad want.

"Pwease" he says dragging out the word.

"Blaine! I told you not today, maybe some other time" I warn him with a not so softer voice this time and that's when the tantrum started.

"Pwease" he shouts throwing his dummy on the floor.

"No Blaine, where are those bloody sweets?" I say getting a bit frustrated.

"Kurt calm down, here let me look, you sort Blaine, he's throwing a fit in his pushchair" Carole calmly says. I sigh and hand over the list my dad had recently made, I walk over to Blaine making sure to pick up Blaine's dummy and wiping then preparing myself.

"Blaine you need to stop this right now or you're going straight into time out as soon as we get home" I tell him off.

"Nooooo! me wan' 'weets" he screams.

"Carole I'm taking Blaine out to the car, you going to be alright?" I ask her.

"Ok and yeah I'll be fine don't worry" she smiles.

"Ok see you in the car"

"See you in a minute" I walk out and to the car with Blaine still screaming and shouting how he wanted sweets.
By the time we got to the car I had, had enough. I crouch down to his level.

"Blaine that is enough, you are not getting any sweets and you are going straight to your time out rug as soon as we get home" I tell him off very sternly. He starts to cry. I went to go unlock the car when I realised Carole had the keys.

"Shit" I muttered hopping Blaine didn't hear, but he did.

"Shit" Blaine repeated me.

"No no no no no!" I say getting more frustrated. 'Stupid Kurt, stupid' I repeated myself in my head.

"Kurt honey what's wrong?" Carole says putting her hand on my shoulder making me jump slightly.

"I just swore and Blaine repeated it" I sigh.

"Ok we're just going to have to make him say something else quickly before he gets used to it and starts saying it to everyone" Carole explains.

"Shit" Blaine repeats.

"No Blaine you do not repeat bad words from daddy's mouth ok? if you continue with the bad words you will stay longer in time out" I explain to him seriously.

"Bad" Blaine repeats.

"Bad" he says then claps his hands happily like he's proud of it.

"Thank god for that" I sigh in relief.

"Lets get the car loaded then" Carole says an starts to unpack the trolley into the boot while I put Blaine in. Once we get home and put everything where it was, it was getting close to dinner and Blaine was having a nap after he sat on his rug for 10 minutes.

I get the table set up and Blaine cries for me, I go upstairs and change him then take him downstairs for dinner, we talked about what we did today.

"Blaine learnt a new bad word and had a tantrum in his pushchair" I explain finishing of my dinner.

"Bad" Blaine repeats and claps his hands again.

"What was the word Kurt?" dad asks me. I text dad and Finn what he said.

"Wow" Finn said shocked.

"Where did he learn that, nobody hasn't sworn in this house" dad says confused.

"I got a bit frustrated and it just slipped, but it was only an accident, I didn't mean to say it, I was frust-"

"It's okay Kurt, if it slipped" my dad chuckled.

"Really?" I ask.


"Oh". Once dinner was over, Blaine played a bit before I put him to bed then heading to bed myself.

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