Lucio X Reader

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The gates opened and there came a blaze of red heat. Yours and Lucio's hearts were beating so fast you thought that the world could hear it.

"you think we'll be okay?" you asked, looking at Lucio

"Of course I do... we're together and there's nothing that's going to tear us apart now, not after everything we've been through."

Somehow, even though your gut told you that something much worse was about to happen, Lucio's words gave you a sense of hope that maybe your gut was a little wrong. Oh my were you wrong...

You and Lucio walked into the grand hall of Hell and looked straight at the Devil, preparing yourself for what was to come and just hope for the goddamned best. The Devil stood and smirked cunningly, "You made it, Y/n, Lucio" his voice rumbled out darkly.

"We're not here for you stupid games! we're here to defeat you!" You spoke bravely, unfortunately for you, The Devil attacked you first, he threw a ball of flames at you, scathing your arm a little, you retaliated by throwing a few spells at him too. Lucio took out his sword and used close-range attacks. The Devil seemed to not be having it today and knocked Lucio back near you.

"Lucio! are you okay?" you rushed over to his side and checked for wounds.

"I'm fine y/n, but we gotta finish this guy off before we get lovey." he stood up and rushed at the devil. Hitting and stabbing, but somehow the devil just wasn't fazed by it.

"Silly y/n... you'll never defeat me, there will always be a devil, haven't you realized?" The devil mocked, his cold words sunk deep into your head and soul, you found your powers useless, but there was a glimpse of hope, Lucio was knocked back again but this time he was more wounded and it was hard for him to even form words. You held up a shield and called for a major arcana. The magician answered your call, telling you that what you wanted would come with a great price, were you willing to pay the price? Yes.

They gave you the power, and you could defeat the devil easily now, he hid behind his large throne but was dumb enough to let you see, and you shot ten beams at the throne and directly hit him. That was it... you defeated the devil...but what did it cost you?

You panted softly and fell back, Lucio was quick at your side and caught you in his arms. "y/n- are you okay? it's okay. we did it, we defeated the devil!" he said, looking at your figure, wounded by the light that consumed you, this was your price, and it was very expensive... but there was no returns and no selling, this was your price, and yours to pay alone.

Your vision faded in and out constantly, Lucio sat with you crying and kissing your forehead in hopes you'd just end up being okay. The Devil left something for you, a crystal that was beating, almost like it was his heart- it was his heart and it was the only way you'd survive. Lucio noticed the crystal and ran to pick it up, rushing back over to you, "y/n... this might be the only way I can save you... you know what will happen, don't you?" he spoke through a raspy voice, you could only nod since words were far from your reach. He pushed the crystal into your chest and things started to feel alive again. you closed your eyes, finding yourself surrounded by red. 

You are Immortal, You are more than human, You are more than alive.

~ later

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