The Accused

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Nadia X Accused! Reader

(requested by: @No_braincellz thank you for your request ^^)

It was a nice day the sun was shining with some nice clouds overhead and a cool breeze to relieve those in heat. in other words it seemed to be a perfect day. for everyone except you, currently you were trying to make your way out of the palace walls, guards dead on your trail as you scanned the halls trying to remember where you came from.

"Stop them!" One guard yelled as they pointed a sword at you, it only made you run faster. at this point the only option you had was to hop out of the window and run for your life.

Now you may be wondering why guards were running after you and well- here's why:

It's a perfect sunny day and Asra has sent you to the palace to give Nadia some tea that he had bought on his recent trip, why he couldn't bring it himself? he was too tired and you're his trusty apprentice of course. So, on your way to the palace you decide that you would stop by and see Lucio and ask him if there was anything new. Truth be told you and Lucio are actually really good friends.

As you arrive to the palace you drop off the tea and talk to Nadia for awhile before she had to go to a small meeting about the city and you went to Lucio's room, Recently the count hasn't been feeling well and there just seems to be this presence that is far too strong for you to even question.

You gave a gentle knock on the door before you stepped in quietly "hey Lucy, how are you feeling?" you asked closing the door behind you and going to sit at the edge of the counts' bed.

"I feel like shit- look at me y/n, I look like shit too!" he spoke dramatically, his voice slightly raspy and his eyes drooped with sleep deprivation and dark circles.

"well, you do look like shit- but, I'm sure you're going to get better. what's Vesuvia without its great count?" you patted his blanket covered leg and he wheeze out a small chuckle.

"you're right. don't worry y/n I'm going to get better, still be the greatest count vesuvia will ever have and then I'm gonna remodel this place, ugh it needs a touch up" he complained, then going on and on to complain and plan and talk about himself, things Lucio would normally do.

you stayed there for quite awhile and listened, he even gave you some time to talk about your life and what's been going on while Asra has been away. but one of the servants had come in and told you that it was time for him to get- no, that it was time for him to try and get some rest. you gave a soft nod and waited till the servant left before you would leave aswell. this still doesn't answer your question, does it?

as you left the room and slightly strayed from the area, the faint smell of smoke breezed in your nose and you stopped walking to try and find out where it had come from. you risked it and ran back to Lucios room, the whole room burnt in red flames and gray ash. you look to your side and see a guard, string at you in fear "seize them!" he yelled, some other guards who now drifted from their positions began chasing after you like a hard game of cat and mouse.

and now were here, running from the guards as you dart through the halls in hopes that something- someone could help you. to your luck, there was someone who could help you and all you had to do was find her.

~Nadia's POV~

I had just finished my meeting about Vesuvias roads and some other things that needed to be fixed, I could hear the faint yelling of my guards telling someone to stop running, and so I walked towards the yelling. the noises got louder and I turned a corner- only to be met face first with y/n and knocked to the ground with them on top of me. the guards caught up and grabbed them while one helped me up.

"what seems to be the issue here?" I ask in a stern tone as my eyes flickered to the guards and to y/n.

"they killed the count! they set his room on fire!" the guard spoke out as he pointed his staff at y/n. I couldn't help but raise a brow

"is this true y/n?"

"what!? no of course its not-"

"silence! you killed the count, admit it!" the guard interrupted

"excuse me, I'm the one asking questions." I poked in with a stern tone.

__ good ending __

"I don't believe y/n would kill the count, they were best friends and Lucio has always spoken highly of them, he never doubted their being one bit." Nadia spoke out into the crowd of vesuvians who gathered around to watch y/n's final moments. "But with the help of our local magician and their wondrous magic, we've been proven wrong that y/n did not kill the count and will be set free and treated as our dearest companion" she stated loud and clear for those who had been listening. "How the count passed away is beyond our imagination at the moment but will be investigated. So I please ask you to be patient while we find out how the count passed on."
With that the crowd fell in silence, some happy that the accused person wasn't beheaded while some still questionable. But those who were wise and smart didn't question the countesses decisions and went about their day once y/n was released back into the city of Vesuvia.

The day went on and you were treated to a nice bath and tea. Nadia sitting across from you in the golden tub as she closed her eyes contently "today has been such a day-" she whispers softly, her body relaxing at the warm water that surrounded her features gracefully. "Agreed, never would I think that I'd be accused of something so bad... but thank you Nadia. For believing me" you reply and lift your head to look at her. "Please, I know when someone is lying and I know for a fact you weren't, Lucio must've done something really ignorant to get himself killed." She lifted her head to look at you now, a small smile playing her lips as her eyes were filled to the brim with warmth.

You give a nod and fall silent. The sun seemed to have gone down now and your mind began to relax, your eyes flickered to Nadia as she stood from the bath, water dripped down her body in such a beautiful way that your face began to heat up, quickly turning your gaze out the window to give her privacy.
Nadia seemed to notice your bashful actions and smiled kindly, shifting over to you as she leaned down and turned your head towards her, you hadn't even had the chance to process what she was doing before she kissed your lips for a moment before pulling away and grabbing a towel to wrap around her body. Leaving you stunned as she called for Portia to take her to her room to help her change then to take care of you.

__ bad ending __

"Y/n has been accused of killing the count, and without any other evidence than them being the last person to walk out of his room... they will find no mercy as the count has found none within the past 72 hours he's been gone. And so, y/n for as great as you were a magician, being a murderer and expecting to get away with it is no exception in my kingdom. May you Rest In Peace and find mercy in your next life" Nadia spoke clearly, her tone harsh and sincere as the executioner lifted his axe, giving you a blank look as the world went black once he lowered the axe.
Children scream as the elders cover their eyes and release a small stunned gasp. The world seemed quiet and sad. You had a funereal of course, buried far away from the city so your ghost could not enter. Asra had only shown up to give you flowers and apologize and scold you.

Ah, okay, it's done- thank you for reading ^^

Have a good day night afternoon wherever you may be. Stay safe, drink water and wear your masks!

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