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Julian X Reader

Julian's POV-

A beautiful girl lyes in the middle of the clearing in the forest, how I got here? I was being chased by guards but lost them. Beside the point, irrelevant. Everything seemed so calm about her except the fact that she seemed to be crying. I never knew how to comfort woman, I don't even know how to comfort Mazelinka. I took a deep sigh and walked over to her, kneeling next to her "are you hurt?" I bluntly say before clearing my throat, she was beautiful, goddess like even!
"A-am I talking to an angel or are you one of the guards coming back to finish me off?" The girl joked but coughed a bit of blood up, I chuckled "That's your choice, love.. breath out, I'm going to pick you up" I say softly to sooth her worries, I hear her exhale and I swiftly pick her up, she hissed and grabbed onto my shirt "l-leave me to die" she cried out, I felt horrible "dear, I won't leave you to die, not like this" I hold her bridal style and quickly run home-careful not to harm the beauty in my arms.

I managed to get her to mazelinkas before she coughed up any more blood.
"Oh my, what happened Julian?!" mazelinka took the younger girl in her arms and laid her on a fairly large table.
"I don't know! I found her while running away and she coughed up blood, how can we help her?" I asked frantically.
"By we you mean me? Besides I thought you had some healing thing going on in your curse, use it Julian!" Maze spoke and looked down at the beauty.

Normal POV-

Julian looked over her body and found three arrows in her chest. how he didn't see them before was beyond his current thoughts, he hesitantly did what he did to heal her and in return feeling the sting in his chest. He didn't mind it as long as the beauty was okay.
The young girl gasped and inhaled deeply, sitting up quickly she panicked "I-I'm sorry! Why'd you do that?" Her hands wandered to where his clutched his chest.
"I'll be okay, really. The pain lasts a very short while" the tall glass of ginger replied with a chuckle. A blush grew on his cheeks and he turned his gaze "are you alright though?"
"I'm fine thanks to you..... y/n" she stated softly looking up at him and stuck her hand out for him to shake.
  "Julian" he replied taking her hand and kissing her knuckles, now it was her turn to blush.

  That's how it began..

   A few months later turned into the craziest months of both of their lives, they began to know each other more and learned certain things. Y/n wanted to help set Julian free from the chains of being wanted.

   Tonight was a night y/n wanted to confess her feelings to Julian. She practiced over and over again and met him at the docks.
  "Hey! Softie!" Y/n used her own code name for Julian so that if the guards were doing their rounds they wouldn't get caught. She ran over to him and hugged him "I haven't seen you in awhile buddy ol pal!" She giggled slightly nudging his arm. Something seemed off about Julian but nothing could be pinned down completely.
"Hey shorty. How's.... how's uh... life?" He asked, breath short and shaky.
"It's good, yours doesn't seem that-"
"We can't do this anymore y/n" Julian said quickly. He sighed and sat at the edge of the docks. "I'll only hurt you... you're getting yourself into something that could harm you forever" he continued.
"You can't be serious.... you're serious....."
"Y/n listen"
"I've listened enough Julian. I understand.... it's okay... have a good night" y/n held back her tears and turned to leave.
Julian attempt to grab her wrist to pull her back and tell her the truth but she pushed his hand away and ran off...

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