Stallions calls

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Nadia X Reader

  Stallions Calls

"Which horse do you prefer y/n?" Nadia asks you in delight as she mounts her own horse  "how about... her?" You walked over to the mare Paloma(¿) and reaches your hand out, the mare sniffed and slightly nipped at your hand telling you to bow down. "Ah yes, she is quite the royal mare, you have to prove yourself to her- or in different terms, now before her" Nadia slightly laughed, you grinned and bowed before the mare, she bowed back and allowed you to get on her. "Don't pull her hair either, she doesn't like it" Nadia directed her horse towards you and held your hand "you'll be okay, Paloma is gentle" she went quiet for a second "last one to the waterfall behind the palace is a goose for the day!" Nadia jokes and speeds off on her horse leaving you to take in what she said before riding after her.

Something wasn't right though. It seemed to feel like you were going in the wrong direction. You ended up in a forest and noticed the mare holding you started freaking out. You get down and look at the mare "find Nadia, come back here when you do" Paloma didn't hesitate to run off. To Nadia, or to the castle was unknown to you.

  You walked in the forest feeling a dark presence. (Goatman Joe), you heard of the tales about these forests but never believed them.
You stumbled upon a pond with fish swimming about. You looked into the pond hoping magic would guide you back. The water started rippling and a goat face appeared, faded with red eyes, it's long horrifying nails gently caressed your neck and gave a motion saying that it would slice your throat. You went wide eyes before snapping out of a trance, you stumbled back and bumped into a tree trunk where you cuddled yourself and sobbed.

About an hour later you fell asleep in the same spot, tears still streamed down your face.

Nadia found you unconscious and picked you up without waking you. She took you to the palace for immediate care, they all said you were ok, no major injuries other than a few scrapes.

You were unconscious for about a week now with a good sign of waking up.

Three hours later, You woke up and wandered around the castle looking for Nadia. The goatman face was at every corner but didn't scare you that much.

Nadia walked up to you after spotting you and quickly asked hundreds of questions. You answered them the best you could.

Nadia looked down at you and smiled, she kissed you instantly and you kissed back, both pulling away breathing out "I love you"

Your body laid in the forest for centuries, becoming mossy and one with nature, the only thing keeping you alive was her and what you remembered of her.

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