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(note that ill be putting this in the terms of "you" not she or her in case my fellow males want to join in, i think ill start making some male x arcana because, why not-and some they/them ones too. but i might also start putting the stories in the terms "you" or "y/n" or "i" unless its directed towards a gender or non gendered. i hope that makes even the slightest bit of sense, i want people to feel comfortable reading these and not feel offended in any way. anyways, back to the scenarios)

(ps; requests are open for scenarios and stories)


~Asra: asra is fairly silent when jealous. he wont let you know he is until you guys are alone, but faust usually speaks for him and will slither to you and guide you to him, he loves dancing with you, any kind of dance will work as long as its with you. so when asra brings you two together shell wrap herself around you guys until you guys start to dance, slow dancing with you calms him down and reassures him that you love him, even without words.

~Nadia: nadia loves showing you off more than her outfits, she like to be humble and let you live your own life without her on your back, and without you on hers. but when she's jealous you best believe she'll show you off in different ways. she'll come behind you and hug you from behind before starting a dance with you, and in the end she'll dip you and kiss you deeply. 

~Julian: he refuses to show you his jealousy, so when you're done talking with the person he'll kind of drag you away and well i assume you know what happens when you're with julian.*ahem*. but afterwards he'll whisper sweet things to you and tell you how much he cherishes you and how he never wants to leave you. he'll then go on to admit that he was jealous that you were talking to someone else but he understands that you want to make new friends sometimes, in the end he's very clingy.

~Portia: portia doesn't like being jealous so most of the time she'll just shrug it off because she trusts you and trusts the relationship (cause we stan a confident queen), but if she sees the other person is getting fairly close she'll somewhat huff and stomp over to you, quickly holding your hand and pulling back a little. she'll say something like "sorry their busy with me right now" and pull you away, sometimes to the hallway and give you a hundred of thousands of kisses.

~Muriel: muriel will not show you his jealously, that is unless you two are alone. he'll sort of ignore you for a few minutes before asking you a few hundred times if you'd leave him, to which you'd reply with a never. he believes you and will hold you in his arm for hours with ianna and by the fire. he'll kiss you here and there and mumble little i love yous while his face is a burning red.

~Lucio: he will show his jealousy like a pair of stripper boots with pounds of glitter, he loves drama, so seeing you with someone whos being flirty will make him start something that isn't even that serious. he'll drag you away and show you off and dance with you and will whisper that you're only his. sometimes if he's feeling the mood he'll have a full out makeout session with you in front of the person until their so uncomfortable they leave.

~The Devil: lets just say, i hope you don't value the person as a friend because the devil with surely make them feel suffering when they get too friendly, he doesn't like to show jealousy in front of others with facial expressions, he'll just show it physically, although if he thinks the person wont mean any harm to you he wont mess with them. and he knows for sure he'll be put in the dog house if he hurts someone you carefor in anyway.

~Nahara: nahara is a very understanding person with you, she knows when to lay back and relax as well as knowing how to deck someone in the face if she sees her partner uncomfortable by someone. when she sees someone being too friendly with you, she'll quickly go over and hug you from behind, acting as if she's joining the conversation when really she is thinking about you,she'll kiss your neck and shoulder leaving little marks to show others you're hers and only hers.


ahem, i hope it was okay, i had fun writing this at like 3 in the morning XD.

stay safe, have a good day or night wherever you are, wear your mask, drink water and smile at least once a day, its supposed to brighten your mood ^^.

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