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Asra X Reader

(This'll be cheesy....)

The room was pitch black but everything seemed to be burning, the smell of smoke filled my lunges and i hastily tried feeling my way around for something to grab onto.

Lights flickered on and I was dancing with Asra, at first I thought everything was okay.... then he took off his mask.... skin burnt and peeling off in thick layers, blood everywhere. I pulled away and looked around, everyone was the same, dancing by themselves staring at me. Some of their heads were turned to me even when their backs were turned on me.

Everything began to melt into the town square, a rainy gloomy day. You and everyone else except for the countess stood upon wooden stools, ropes on your neck, you were the last for the stool to be kicked..

I gasped waking up, my hand automatically reaching for my neck to make sure nothing was there, I panted for a few minutes and began to cry. Maybe it was too loud because a few seconds later Asra rushes in with a light fireball in his palm.
"Y/n! What happened!?" He rushes over to me and holds me tight. I explain every detail of my dream, about the noose, the fire, his face under the mask- everything. In the end he seemed to be scared as well.
"Y/n, none of that is real, I won't let anything or anyone hurt you. I promise" he whispered tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
Nodding I hug him tightly, sobbing silently while he holds me close.

  A few minutes go by and Y/n fell asleep next to Asra. Asra held her and waited a bit longer before he went to sleep as well..

  "I love you y/n" he mumbled before falling asleep

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