The Dream

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Muriel X Reader

(yee so this is based off of my most recent dream and uh- yuh- enjoy its nonsense)

(prompt: y/n is with her six friends and starts to feel a strange power from the devil,(idk why that when i dreamt this it was minecraft terrain) y/n runs off into a hilly forest and starts to turn into a beast. she panics and hides from muriel, nadia and asra, the three continue to chase her until they can stop her. muriel finally has her pinned down with never ending worry. y/n's eyes are black and red and her body is transforming into a demonic bird. muriel tries to get through to y/n while asra and nadia come rushing to the two's side. they all try different things, but when y/n goes to attack. asra knocks her out with sleeping dust. (the dream sort of ended there so imma wing it))

y/n stood by julian and muriel while looking at roses, nadia planned a picnic in the forest, it wasn't muriel's forest though, the six went on an adventure to a new forest that was past the dark forest. 

"hey y/n, wanna come with me to get firewood?" muriel shyly asked. y/n smiled and nodded "yeah, lets go" she said with her bubbly tone and rushed off with muriel.

julian and the rest set up the picnic. "asra, do you think y/n is acting a little different today?" nadia whispered to him. asra looked in the direction muriel and y/n went and shrugged 

"maybe just a little, maybe shes happy?" 

"i guess so. well, its good to see her and everyone enjoying themselves"

asra nodded in agreement and went to help portia with the food, nadia helped julian with the setting up.

~~with y/n and muriel~~

y/npuckedup some wood for muriel to cut, she hummed softly while doing so. "hey muriel, how many pieces of wood do you think we'll need?"

"lets do.. twelve pieces of wood." he said shyly but with a smile. 

y/n walked around and got some wood, she was walking back over to muriel and stopped quickly, she dropped the wood and held her head with both her hands. "damn..what the hell..." she mumbled to herself and saw a few feathers on her hands "no.. not yet" 

"y/n are you--" muriel turned to her but stopped when seeing the feathers on her body. "y/n" he stepped closer 

"n-no don't come closer i dont know if i could hurt you" she stepped back, she looked at him with black and red eyes. he gasped dropping his axe. 

"y/n, its okay, we'll figure this out"

"no!" she yelled and held her head. "shit." she looked around before running deeper into the forest.

muriel went back to the others and told them what happened, nadia and asra assigned the others to stay where they were in case y/n came back. 

the three insisted on going but nadia told them to stay put. so they did. 

nadia, asra and muriel all went after y/nand split up into three paths.

asra walked up a hill to get a better view, unknowing of the creature in the tree above him, the creature slightly moved and the branch fell, making the creature fall infront of him. he had the strongest feeling it was y/n and he rushed towards her. the creature kicked him back and bolted for it once again.

the creature hid behind a rock, nadia called out y/n's name. nadia peaked at the color of a bird, she pretended not to see it but walked towards it. she got closer and took hold the bird creature. "y/n, snap out of it" she spoke with worry. the creature struggled against nadia's grip before kicking herself away. running again. 

the creature landed in the field far from the three. she panted and laid on the grass for a brief moment before hearing another voice. it was muriel, but the creature didn't try to run, she just stayed there, panting softly until it got closer. she got up and lazily started to run, but muriel was quick, he ran up to y/n and pinned her down. she struggled but couldn't find a way out 

"y/n, its me, muriel. its okay, just relax and take control of who you really are" 

it took what seemed like hours, nadia and asra were there to help calm y/n down. 

and soon y/n turned normal, she didn't have black and red eyes, or feathers, she was normal and fairly tired. 

she looked at the three and gasped "oh no.. those looks don't look good- what did i do?" 

asra smiled kindly and told her what happened. 

"im so sorry.. i probably ruined today"

"no no no- y/n its alright. you're safe and thats all that matters" nadia stepped in.

muriel seemed to be awfully quiet. he mumbled something "we should head back before it gets too late" 

asra and nadia got up and muriel picked y/n up bridal style. they walked back but muriel slowed don to talk to you 

"you had me worried y/n, i didn't want to hurtor hold you down but i didn't want to loose you to the devil"

"how did--"

"how did i know it was the devil? because when i looked into your eyes i saw him, im sorry i wasn't much help, i could've done a little better" he mumbled, a tear slipped from his eye and y/n wiped it away, kissing his cheek then his lips softly with a smile.


yuh sooooo, how was the nonsense?

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