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Julian X Hispanic! Reader

(requested by: @vhsvessel)

you spent a lot of your time in your home town, so traveling to a new place with different kinds of people was fairly new and scary,

you left your town at the age of 20, you wanted to explore and bring things back for your family. while traveling your mom had packed you numerous amounts of food and clothing (as mexican moms do ;3) and whole bunch of other things you really didn't need.

today you were set out on a place called Vesuvia, as a child you were told the amazing things that this place had, such as magic and princesses and kings and different things.

the trip only took a day or so but you managed to continue on with your noble steed and a bag of stuff.

barely getting into the city and you could already hear the music and laughter and joy. or maybe those were cries. you didn't know.

your first stop was to find a place to stay, you stumbled upon a shop that smelled like cinnamon and lavender. You hopped down from your horse and Went to knock on the door. A male with white hair and a beautiful purple snake slithered onto his shoulder.

You gave a smile "Hola! Me llamo—" you paused seeing the confusion on his face. You giggled a little "I'm sorry, my name is y/n, and I'm new to Vesuvia. Sorry to bother but do you know any place I could stay, just for the night." You ask kindly, your accent lingered in your words.

He began to smile "of course! My name is Asra. Come inside, you can stay here for the night. I have an extra room, if you'd like"

Mom always said never trust strangers but this guy in front of you had the vibes of a very trusting and kind man. Besides. You were an adult now and would do as you want.

(If moms chankla doesn't come flying towards you)


     As time went on, you and Asra became closer as friends. You met such wonderful people like Muriel and Nadia, Portia and a fine glass of red hair named Julian. He stuck out to you the most.

Julian asked you on a date a few days ago and tonight would be the day you went out with him and confessed your feelings to him. You'd never been on a date before and you were happy that your first date would be with Julian.

A knock was heard at the door, you didn't answer it knowing full well that Asra would do so and instantly give Julian a lecture.

"Hello Asra-"

"I want her home before midnight. A minute later and I'll turn you into a goat" Asra said, not with a completely angry voice, but a serious one that was somewhat hard to believe.

You walked downstairs and listened to the conversation going on.

 You decide that it's time to breakup the two boys and head downstairs

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You decide that it's time to breakup the two boys and head downstairs.

"Alright you two, that's enough bickering for one night" you smile and appear next to them, both looking at you with complete shock.

"Y/n.. you look so beautiful.." Julian said, his face was completely red. It was clear he was nervous.

Asra looked at Julian with a glare and for a split second he turned Julian's voice into what a goat sounds like.

You giggled to yourself  "alright Asra, that's enough" you say walking next to Julian and holding his hand. "I'll be back home before you know it" you tell him and started to walk out.

Closing the door behind you you looked up at the flustered Julian "sorry about that- he means well" you laugh a little.

Julian only smiled and nodded.

—near the end of the date because I'm a lil lazy—

Julian was walking you back to the shop when you stopped him midway.
"Julian there's something I want to tell you..."

"What is it y/n?"

"I like you.. no I love you" you tell him with a bright blush.

It seemed like it took a minute before he spoke up "I like you too- no I love you too" he smiled at you and brought you into a hug.

Releasing you you both walked back to the shop.

Asra was waiting with the door open.

Stopping once again in front of the door julian looked down at you and smiled "te amo" he whispered kissing you deeply.

You smiled kissing back "te amo mi amour" you tell him and walk inside. Smiling as you went up stairs.


As you walked upstairs Asra looked at Julian from outside and turned him into a goat. "It'll last the rest of the night. Better go get some sleep" Asra huffed watching goat Julian run off to who knows where.


Okay it's done. I hope it was okay I really had fun writing this.

Also I apologize if my Spanish is off- I haven't used Spanish in so long I'm so used to French XD.

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