I Love You Y/N

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Asra x Reader

 I Love You Y/N

|| AU where asra is set in trial for murdering Lucio (basically asra is in Julian shoes) and y/n gets hurt in the process, so Julian takes care of y/n and tries to win her over so that y/n can forget asra.||

Y/n sat in a chair facing down at the tarot cards asra gave her.she was currently in the castle so she could find more answers, yet being in such a big place made things just a little harder. she bounced her leg up and down with nervousness, she wanted to help asra but didn't know how. "asra, ill find a way to get you out of this mess. and everything will be normal again" y/n whispered to herself, the door opened and closed making y/n perk up quickly. Julian smiled softly at her and knelled in front of her.

"y/n i know how much this hurts you, but if the trial continues and asra dies you have to let him go" he spoke taking the tarot cards in her hands and putting them beside his leg, slightly kicking them aside, he took y/n's hands in his keeping his charming smile glued onto him. 

the idea of asra being killed for something that didn't make sense made things ten times worse. Lucio died, asra wasn't even in the room where it happened (to all you Hamilton fans i think that's where its from) "Julian-- how could you say that?! Asra isn't going to die! why would you even think that?!" y/n yelled and got up, picking her deck of cards up and leaving the room. she made her way to the dungeon without the guards knowing, using sleeping dust to knock them out for a few hours. 

y/n made her way around the dungeon before seeing asras cell and bolting to it like lightning. 

"Asra! are you okay?!" y/n asked running up to him, he got up and looked at her, reaching his hands out to her, she took his hand and got closer holding his hand tightly. 

"im fine y/n, but how did you get down here? the guards would've sent you to your room or would've gotten nadia if they knew you were down here."

"i used the sleeping dust i accidentally made. i needed to see you." she said quickly.

"y/n... if you get caught-"

"don't worry if i get caught, i needed to see you. i just need to know-" y/n got quieter, dreading this question "youre not going to die right?" 

asra almost seemed shocked to the bone. "y/n.. who told you that?" 

"i- Asr-"

"Who told you that?!" he yelled grabbing her wrist tightly and pulling her harshly towards him, luckily the bars gave y/n that distance and slight barrier.

her eyes widened with fear and she pulled away, becoming weak at the knees she stumbled backwards into the old walls. a few tears slipped from her eyes before she picked herself up and started running out of the dungeon. 

"y/n wait! i'm sorry! i didn't mean it- y/n please wait!" asra called out. yet it didn't stop her from running quickly.

~~~~ time skip to the execution causeeeeeeeeeee tea ~~~~

Julian and y/n walked to the town center, frowning and upset. 'i couldn't do it... i couldn't save him..i promised him i'd save him- dammit y/n.' y/n mentally scolded herself, hoping that this was a dream and that she'd wake up really soon.

Julian stopped as well as y/n and they both looked at the center of the circle of people. a guillotine, a be-header and Nadia. Nadia looked just as sad and upset as you, she noticed you to and frowned, mouthing an 'im sorry' to which you ignored.

Nadia soon stood up and looked at the citizens of vesuvia, she started to speak.

"today were here for the beheading of our local magician: Asra. he will be beheaded for the murder of Count Lucio" she finished and two guards dragged asra into the center and forcing him to kneel in front of the guillotine. 

he looked around until his eyes met yours. noticing quickly that he wanted to cry. 

"Asra... do you have any last words" Nadia said sadly.

he went silent, y/n turned around and started walking and thats when he started to speak. 

"y/n! i love you! damnit i love you i love you i love you! i will always love you and im sorry i yelled at you! im sorry i got you mixed up in this mess! but just know- i didn't kill Lucio!" he said, voice cracking, y/n turned around with tears in her eyes bolting over to him and taking him out from the restraints that held him down. 

Asra hugged her tightly and got one in return. Nadia sighed softly in relief, happy there wasnt a death this day. 

the guards pulled y/n away and held her tightly so she wasn't able to escape, another guard tied asra back down and quickly released the blade...

everything was black

~~ End~~


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