Sky Winged

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Asra x reader

Sky Winged

(Based on the game Sky: Children of Light. It's really fun and peaceful. You guys should totally check it out)

You walked through a news portal, it showed a beautiful white and golden colored castle with round-shaped rooftops.
Before checking if it was even safe you dashed through and saw white for a couple of seconds and you usually did when you walked through portals.
You appeared in front of a nice little shop. The door was semi-open and a nice yellow glow emitted from inside.
You went to the door and knocked softly, questioning where you were.
The door opened and suddenly a man with white hair looked down at you as if you were just any normal person.

"May I help you?" His voice rang softly in your ear, you haven't heard a voice in well.... ever. No one spoke in the realm of light. So this was new to you.
The man slightly raised his brow once he noticed you never replied.
"Excuse me- I- are you okay?" He opened the door wider, and on his arm perched a lavender corn snake wrapped around him.
Never seen such a bright creature you yelped and hopped back, slightly floating into the air.
The man was shocked and his eyes seemed to glimmer a bit.
"You're not from here- where are you from?" He asked holding out a hand,
You look at his hand and took it, where you were from it was a sign that others were friendly, and so you thought that was the case for every realm—
He helped you down into your feet and offered you to come inside.
He gave you a paper and quill with black ink to write down where you were from, your name, and how you'd gotten to— vesuvia.

You write down those things and he kept reading it over and over again. The glimmer in his eyes never seems to fade away.

He looked at you then a few books and smiled.
"I'm not sure if you know how to speak. But I'll help you if I can"

And so he did, he taught you how to say things and you understood him, he offered you a room in the shop to stay in for as long as you needed.

While staying in the shop you and he became best friends, every time you'd laugh you emitted some glow that was fairly brighter than your aura. And he told you that too, to him everything about you was perfect and he wouldn't trade you over the world. Then he started to develop feelings and you started to talk sometimes, but it was really quiet. He told you that you remind him of his friend Muriel who lives in the forest, shy but strong.

He started to invite you on adventures and then introduced you to his friends, you got along with all of them except this guy named Lucio. He seemed like a real dick.

You would whisper to asra that Lucio's ego is bigger than his dick- which made asra laugh.

In the realm of light. Speaking was never really heard. Because everyone was hidden behind a mask (wear your masks -.-).
Asra was curious about the realm of light and asked you a few times to take him there so he can understand more of where you came from. You were scared to take him, the krills knew their way around the realm, and if they touched asra. He'd be a deadman and the thought would break your heart.

But if you kept him in the light, you both would have less to fear about. So you gave in and opened a portal back to the realm of light. You took him and Faust with you but made sure Faust was kept safe and always had a small candle with her, floating atop of her so it wouldn't melt onto her scales.

"This place is-" asra started
"Shhh" you interrupted. You pointed up making him look at the large black creature with a blue dot in the middle of its face-scanning around the area. You took his hand and picked Faust up and ran behind a wall where the krill wouldn't see you.

"We need to make it back to daylight prairie. Asra. Are you scared of heights?" You asked turning to him with a frightened look.

"no- why-" asra was cut off as you picked him up by one arm and flew up as high as you could, you flew above the Krills and tried making your way back to Daylight Prairie as fast as you could.

asra looked up at you worried, seeing how your light was depleting, he lit a small fireball in his free hand and held it up to you. you smiled at him and flew a little faster. 

soon reaching Prairie, you landed in the soft grass and sighed softly "Let's maybe not go to golden wasteland again. can we just- go home?" you mumbled to him, he nodded and opened a portal for you, as you all stepped in, asra hugged you from behind and kissed your cheek "sorry for making you take us there" he mumbled "it's okay, I'd just rather keep you and Faust safe"

to that he smiled and made tea, you both read books over by the fireplace and relaxed the rest of the night.

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