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Asra X Reader


   "Just listen to me for once y/n I can't bring you along! It's too dangerous for you and I can't risk you getting hurt!" Asra huffed grabbing his satchel full of weird necessities.
   "You're just upset because I can take care of myself without you now!!" You retaliated crossing your arms.
   "Me? Upset? You're the one who started this crap because you can't go! You're still weak and you're mad about me not letting you go with me! I'm trying to save you y/n!"
   "I rather die than have you 'save' me any longer!" You turned your back, you were so close to crying but you wanted to prove you were strong.
  "Fine... have it your way. Don't cry to me when you get hurt!" Asra spoke before leaving and slamming the shop door shut.

You sunk to your knees and cried softly, it had barely been a minute and you regret your words and wanted to apologize, but you wouldn't.

   Asra stood outside of the door hearing your faint cries, he looked down at Faust and walked away beginning his trip.

—few weekos later brought to you by sexy Julian—

Asra was finally coming home, he brought you gifts in hopes you'd forgive him and his actions. The smell of Lavender candles filled the air as Asra stepped into the shop/home.
"Y/n? I'm home!" He called out but no reply. He sighed and walked upstairs and into your room, you weren't there either. Next he walked into his room, there you were, laying on his bed and sniffling while holding his pillow, you tried to sound asleep but Asra knew you all to well to know when you were asleep or not.

"Y/n... I know you're awake. How long have you been crying?" He asked softly and walked over to the bed sitting at the edge.
"Why do you care? I thought you didn't want me to cry to you when I got hurt" you mumbled into the pillow, wanting to get up and run away.
"I'm sorry y/n.. I didn't mean what I said, I love you and I missed you and I do care if you get hurt... I don't want to be the cause of your hurting... please look at me" He spoke gently rubbing your leg.
Sighing softly you sat up, you faced down to hide the tears that gushed down your cheeks. Asra frowned and used his pointer finger to tilt your head up. "Y/n.." Asra began to speak "I'm sorry.. I'm truly sorry for the fight... I brought you some stuff in hopes you'd forgive me" he held up the satchel with his free hand.
  "I don't need you to bring me anything, I just want you" you spoke softly looking into his beautiful gray purplish eyes.
  Asra smiles leaning in and kissing you softly. His hands traveled down to your waist and pulled you on top of his lap.
  You melted into the kiss using one hand to hold yourself on his shoulder and the other to gently place on his warm cheek..

  The kiss began to linger on both of your lips, somewhat like a magnet pulling you two together, you kissed again but this time Asra decided he wanted to explore, he kissed down your neck and to your collarbone, leaving soft purple and red marks, a soft moan leaving your lips every so often. Asra took his chance and kissed you mid gasp, his tongue colliding with yours; the two of you fought for dominance but yet you lost. Asra gently pushes you down on his bed and continues to kiss you and your neck. He stopped to look up at you.
"I love you y/n please don't ever forget that"
"I love you too, and I won't forget it"

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