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Lucio X Reader



hes not a bad person, although people may say how cruel and how unloving and selfish he is, he really isn't, he cares..

he knows how to care and just because he came from a life that didn't care about his feelings doesn't mean he couldn't learn how to care for others' feelings.

he accepted what he did to asra and muriel, he apologized a million and one times to try to be forgiven, and even when they didn't forgive him, he still tries to show them that he changed, he really has changed with you around, ever since the fight with the devil, he wanted to make things better in vesuvia,he wanted to show others that he can change for the better and undo the worst part of himself.

and he has shown that, and every night he wouldn't complain about how much work he had to do, he wouldn't be narcissistic to the point where you and everyone just looked at him with confused disgust. 

though there were nights where he couldn't keep bottling those emotions up, and you told him you were therefor him but he was still stubborn, and nothing could change that part about him, he'd usually just politely ask for the room to himself for five minutes while he cried to himself and fall asleep, he always left the door unlocked in case things got worse. 

and there were times where he'd ask you to stay with him and listen, but he told you, you never needed to stay if you didn't want to. he really did try changing his life for ou and for everyone, he didn't want to die again with the remaining title of a selfish asshole. 

instead he wanted something like "the changed" or something that sounded like a book title or something a hero would have that their people gave them, not something he deemed himself.

this all went on for 2 years, until he completely went rogue.


"lucio what are you doing?" you asked following lucio into the room he made the deal with the devil in.

"im done y/n, im done trying to be perfect for people who don't even care about me! my feelings! they just care about what i can give them! even you- you dont care, you just want the money and the things i can give you!" he slightly shouted as he quickly turned to you, seeing your shocked and hurt face, he frowned and scoffed.

the silence grew stronger, as his posture loosened up"y/n...i-"

"i get it, everyone just wants something from you, they just want the idea of you-- right? thats how you see it? thats how it is then? fine, make your mistake but dont come crying when you realize we all care for you and love you, even if we don't show it" with that you turned on your heels and walked off, you wanted to prove your bravery, not wanting to cry until you got to your shared room.

lucio watched you walk off as if it were nothing, but he knew you, and he wanted to apologize, but he also wasn't one to back down from his point.

and he made the deal...

"hm, lucio, once again running to my grasp, what is it you want this time?" the devil grinned with power

"to be forgotten, i want everything to be perfect for everyone is vesuvia. but i want to be forgotten"

the devil chuckled "not so selfish anymore huh? well lets check what everyone's life would be like if you weren't in it. and what it would be like in the future if you were in everyone's lives"

as the devil and lucio went through how people's lives would be like with or without him.

yours was different

without him you were just empty, nothing left to feel. you didn't feel like you had much else of a purpose when everything you loved just... walked off to make a deal.

and with him, things seemed to have gotten better, you guys got married and found a nice cottage in the woods, visiting the castle occasionally to say hi or throw a party.

but to him, only you mattered, so as long as you really did care for him and love him, he didn't care about anything else, and it took him 2 years to finally realize that.


 he smiled brightly and winked at the devil "lets make a rangecheck. i've got business to attend to."

he quickly ran to the shared room you guys had and gently knocked on the door. 

"yeah?" you called out, voice weak followed with a sniffle.

"its me.. lucio"

"go away, thought you were busy making your deal"

"well i didn't make it"

"okay and i didn't love you at all"

"huh? thats a lie! you think im lying?"

"yeah lucio its what you do when you make stupid deals with the devil. im not dumb"

lucio sighed softly and walked into the room, it was cold, well, room tempurature but the energy was cold.

"y/n, i didn't make that deal at all, i will admit i talked to him but i saw something and it made me realize that i love you and that.. as long as i have you... i don't need to worry about other peoples opinions about me."

you laid on the bed, staring at everything but him, "so why suddenly blow up like that? you usually talk to me.."

"i know.. i shouldn't have kept bottling up other emotions- im just tired of everyone thinking im a bad wolf- you know me better than i know myself... am i really that bad now?"

sitting up and walking over to him, looking into his eyes, there were tears pilling up and very faintly there was the glass cracked brokenness in his eyes. you knew how hrut he was inside, how it was tearing him up.

"lucio.. you used to be one of the most complicated characters in this city, but you've rewritten your story and you've changed yourself for people who- you shouldn't need validation from. and you've proven to everyone that you are better, even if their still stubborn and won't forgive you-- but heres my question.. do you forgive yourself?"

he stared at you blankly, as if the question was a complicated division problem with no calculator to help.



should i make a part 2?

im sort of invested but i think i also like the sudden cliffhanger.

ive also had the worst writers block in a while and i guess this was what i had in mind for now.

i do have one story in my draft,

a julian x yandere readere.

its based off of the song "i dont want to set the world on fire"

any ideas for new stories or for the scenario book? or any other books?

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