If I were a rose

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Asra X Reader


You stood beside Asra as everything felt like crumbling, after the bit with the devil you hadn't been the same, no one had been, everyone kind of just split up and shut themselves out, you felt like you were to blame and hid yourself in a depressive state.
Asra had tried multiple ways to bring back your bright mind and smile, yet something was amiss.
"Y/n..... you need to leave the room and get some air. You've been in your room for a week, you haven't eaten anything" Asra said for the third time today.
"Why? The windows open, what's the point of doing all that just to re do it the next day? I'm sorry Asra.... that everything is different and not better..." Asra could tell that you were near crying, your voice slightly cracked.
"Every day brings something different, and locking yourself away isn't going to make time move forward.. only backwards"
A moment of silence and a few shuffling around sounds leaked from the bottom of the door, Faust found her way into your room and hissed seeing you attempt to climb out the window. Asra stood up and practically bursted in. You jumped out and landed on soft grass, you bolted to the woods to find some form of water to speak with the devil himself, to figure out what went wrong.

You'd later find out that you were the cause of everyone splitting up and that you were the real problem.

You used a spell that conjured the devils spirit in a pond.
"I see I've been summoned, dear y/n, you seek answers"
"Why is everyone distant? What happened after we defeated you? You're stone, we all got home safely, no one was hurt so what's the problem?"you speak out a few tears slipping.
"Defeating me brings guilt, everyone is now distant and locked up inside themselves... because of you, you came into their lives and made such a huge impact that they now feel like you're their friend. Which in the first place they saw you as mere acquaintances"
"Even to Asra? Did he feel the same way like Nadia and Muriel? Julian and Portia?"
"Even Asra just like the rest of them."
You sighed slowly and nodded "apologies for wasting your time" you whisper before hovering your hand above the water and the image of the devil faded into ripples.

Taking a long walk home, the strong smell of pumpkin bread and tea filled the air, you went inside and brought out the tarot cards Asra gave you. Looking around you found him asleep with his head rested on his palm.
"Oh Asra....." you took off your cloak and gently placed it on top of him. He felt it and woke up, gently grabbing your waist and hugging you.
You took him off you and looked down at him "you and everyone else found me as nothing but acquaintances, I am merely a speck of flesh to you all, do not treat me as if you truly love me. I'm tired of these mixed emotions"
"Y/n, that's not what we think of you"
You looked down at him and a flash of red glistened over your eyes. Asra thought for a moment before standing up. "You went to see him? Didn't you?"
"And what if I did?"
"What did he tell you?"
"I am merely acquaintances, the cause of everyone's problems." You shrugged.
"Y/n you know that's not true. Neither of those, everyone loves and cares for you" Asra took your hands in his own squeezing them lightly.
"Okay Asra. If that's so true. Then I love you- but not only that, it hurts loving you and I don't know why but it seems like every time you go for a trip and I'm not saying stop going on them but every time you leave I have bad feelings that you won't come back and-"
Asra smiled and kissed you deeply using one of his hands to hold your waist to pull you closer.
"I love you too y/n, I love you so much and if you're feeling this way how about you come along with me? You've gotten stronger" Asra smiled softly, oh dear tarot cards how his smile destroyed you, one flash of those pearly whites and gentle smile could make your heart melt into joy.
You gave a kind nod "yes... I'd like that- look Asra, I'm truly sorry for the way I've been acting. I just— I don't know how to fix these sort of problems so easily like you do"
"Y/n it's ok, not everyone is perfect. We all deeply care for you"
You smile and nod hugging him, Faust managed to find her way around you two and squeeze you both together.

"I love you"

"I love you too, and you too Faust"

Dear yeezus it took me a bit of time to make this. Title has nothing to do with story I just thought it was nice

Hope you enjoyed

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